First Day Of School

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Authors note= PLEASE READ!! Just pretend that the school uniforms are like the ones we have in the present. Disclaimer= I don't own vocaloid or the images.

*Lens POV*

Today is Monday so Rin and I are currently walking to school, AKA Vocaloid High. Rin says it's a school for singers and since I like to sing i will enjoy it.

"Hey len. Will you join the same club as me?" Rin asks. "What kind of club is it?" I answer her question with a question.

"Well we are a singing group. There are currently five members and at the end of the year the school holds a festival and we have a huge performance. Of course you will have to pass tryouts to sing but even if you can't sing you can still help out back stage." Rin quickly explains."So will you join? Please!"

We have stopped just outside of the gates now. I lean over to her and whisper in her ear," I will on one condition." "And what's that?" She asks nervous.

I look into her eyes and burst out laughing. I just couldn't keep a straight face on. She looks at me and pouts." Len I'm being serious here. I'll do anything you want to make you join this club."

Awwwwwwww, she's just to innocent. "I was just kidding. I would love to join your club."

She smiles and we enter the school. She goes off to her class while I go to the office to get my schedule.

*Rins POV*

I walk into the classroom and immediately find my two best friends talking near my seat. I walk over and greet them."Hey Miku and Gumi."

"Hey rin" they reply in unison. "I was just telling Gumi about your cute new butler Len."

Oh no. They are gonna start fangirling.

"He sounds amazing Rin!" Gumi pipes in and then they both start squealing like a couple of lunatics.

"Oh yeah? And what do you even know about him?" I asked questioning her sanity. She is way to boy obsessed.

"That he cares enough about you to ask what your favourite kind of tea is." She says.

Well it wasn't that hard to figure out the secret Len.

"Alright everyone! Buts in seats!" Mrs. Meiko walks in and shouts.

We all sit down in your assigned seats. I sit next to a window with miku next to me and Gumi in front of me.

"Class, we have a new student today. You can come in." She says and looks towards the door.

Len walks in and immediately all the girls start squealing. I start feeling really angry and i don't know why.

"Good morning everyone. My name's len kagamine, I love singing and I transferred here because I'm-mmmhh." I stopped him by putting my hand over his mouth.

Shiitake mushrooms. I should have thought this through.

I whisper in his ear," I don't want the whole school knowing your my butler!" He nods and I let him go and walk back to my seet while everyone stares at me like I'm crazy rude.

"I transferred here because I moved here to get to work faster." Len continues gracefully.

Mrs. Meiko didn't notice at all because she was to busy chugging her first bottle of whiskey for the day.

Gumi turns around in her seat and whispers to me," You should totally go out with him." Then turns back.

I feel my face heat up. I'm sure I could put a cherry to shame right now.

Her New Butler/His New Mistress (Rin x Len) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now