Study Time!/ You Don't Know How To Dance?

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Disclaimer= I don't own vocaloid or the image

*Rins POV*

I start eating my waffles at the breakfast table when my dad asks, " So Rin, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Oh cheese nuts. What could I have done now? "No?" I say cautiously.

"Your grades Rin! You have a D in every class! What am I going to do do with you?"

"Oh dear!" My mother starts." Rinny, doesn't that butler of yours get straight A's?"

"Yeah, he does." That jerk. Why does he have to be smarter than me?

My mom then turns to my dad and asks," Honey, why don't we have him tutor her? They get along so well."

"Good idea Honey" He agrees with her.

Nooooooooooo! I can't let him find out he is superior to me in any way.

"That's really not necessary mom. I'm sure I can bring my grades up on my own." I try to change things around.

"Nonsense! I won't make you do this on your own." My mom says trying to help me. She calls over a maid and tells her to fetch Len and bring him here.

I'm done for. I'm never gonna here the end of this. I mentally cry.

Len walks in the dining room and walks toward my mother. He bows and says," Milady, you requested me?" He politely asks.

"Yes. My daughter is getting terrible grades in school and I hear you are very smart. I would like you to tutor her until she gets B's in all of her classes." She gives him his orders.

I'm waiting for it. I just know he is going to smirk with triumph at me.

He bows and says ,"Yes mam." And leaves.

I can't believe it. He didn't even glance in my direction.

Well he is a butler and I suppose he can't show any personal feelings in front of my parents. Sometimes I forget he is just a butler.

"Oh Rinny, your father and I have decided to throw a ball for your fifteenth birthday. Isn't that wonderful? I didn't see you get the chance to dance with anyone at the wedding so I made sure to invite many young men to your birthday ball. Now I'm not rushing things but you should start thinking about suitors. If you don't find one that you truly enjoy then your father will choose one for you by the end of the night." My mother says.

I nearly choke on my milk. No, not yet. I don't want to lose Len yet. "But mom, I don't even know how to dance!"

"Then simply add that to the list of things your butler has to tutor you about. My dear husband, you didn't even make sure she knew how to dance. No wonder she's a tomboy. By the way Rin, I like your hair, it grows incredibly fast doesn't it." My mother compliments me.

"When will this ball take place?" I ignore her compliment. How much time do I have?

"I thought it would be best to have it on your actual birthday." She answers me. That means I only have three months to find a way to convince my parents that I should be with Len.

I finish my food early and ask to leave. I don't have any school today so I guess I will just chill in my room.

Today I'm wearing a long red gown with red slippers

I see Len at the bottom of the stairs so I start to walk a little faster. I have to tell him about the ball and-" AAAAAHHHHH!" I scream as I trip and fall down the stairs.

I wait for the pain to come............................ but it never does. I feel someone's arms around me like a protective cage. Oh no, I didn't! I look up to see Len on the floor and I'm laying on top of him. In a very inappropriate position I might add. I did!

Her New Butler/His New Mistress (Rin x Len) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now