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3 years ago

"Jesus Christ Evan! You got kicked out of college?" I shouted at my boyfriend. We'd met at the community college we both attended. Although our reasons for being there were quite different. He was bad in school, I couldn't afford anything nice.

"It's fine, Maddie gave me the jeep I'm going to travel you should come! We can get out of here, away from them." he said, referring to my not wonderful parents.

"No, I'm finishing school for this baby!" the words slipped, I found out I was pregnant the night prior. When I told him I had news he came over and dropped the college bomb on me.

"Wait...what?" he cocked an eyebrow. I rubbed my eyes, fighting back the warm tears that threatened to fall. "Y-You're pregnant?"

"Go and live your life, we'll be fine." I scoffed. This wasn't our first disagreement. He's immature and I don't think I can raise a child with him. I don't think I can raise a child at all.

"I want to be there f-for you and the baby, I'll stay in Hershey jus-" he stammered.

"I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to terminate the pregnancy, I'm finishing school and then moving far away from here. So go, travel the word. I'll be fine." I told him, a tear sliding down my face. Although I had the appointment, I knew I couldn't do it.

"Please let me help-"

"We're done, Evan. I can't do this anymore." I sniffled, turning for the door. He didn't even follow, he let me go. All we do is argue, typically over his bad decisions.

The thing about Evan and I is we're so perfectly imperfect for each other. We get along so well and there's no one I want to be with but him. That is until something happens and we fight. It's a cycle.


I did end up finishing school, but I kept the baby. Now I live in LA with my daughter, Charlotte. I'm a nurse for the hospital and honestly life is amazing. I haven't spoken to Evan in years, as far as I know he doesn't know anything of her existence.

I paced around the ER, it was slow as usual. Lots of people doing a whole lot of stupid shit and needing stitches. It was any other day.

That was until a group of firefighters rushed in, my daughter laying on their gurney. My heart sank as I ran over, she was supposed to be at daycare. I was so focused on my daughter I didn't even notice who one of the firefighters was.

"What happened!?" I shouted, fear filling me from head to toe.

"3 year old female. She fell and hit her head, she was unconscious on scene but drifted on and off on the ride here." a paramedic told me as other doctors grabbed the gurney carrying my daughter. I felt the same fear I had when I found out I was pregnant, like the world was ending.

"Y/n," I heard someone say my name from behind. I spun around to see Evan standing behind me. Once again, my heart sank. He looked betrayed, I knew that he knew that's his daughter. Her last name is Y/l/n-Buckley, he was bound to find out on scene. Although I was so upset with him, I still wrote that down on the birth certificate.

"I can't do this," I choked, going to chase after my daughter. I heard him shout my name before an older man yelled at him, saying they needed to go.


"I got a boo-boo." Char whined, pointing up to her head.

"I know baby, you'll be okay tho. We can go home tomorrow." I smiled softly, holding her hand in mine. Suddenly her attention turned to the door.

"Who's that?" she pointed. It was Evan, standing at the door, still in his uniform.

"I'll be right back love, don't go anywhere." I smiled at her, kissing her head softly.

I walked out of her room, closing the door behind me. I finally got a good look at him, he's older and more muscular. I know I can't keep Char from him, that's unfair. Besides she's always asking about her dad.

"I thought you...weren't keeping her." he gulped, looking through the glass at the little girl who cuddled her stuffy.

"I'm sorry, you should've known." I sighed, wanting to stay civil. Then it fell quiet as he watched her, his eyes slightly glassy.

"This was my first shift as a firefighter, second call." he broke the silence. "And I thought it couldn't be, but then I saw you." Evan finished.

"She asks about you a lot, she wants to know her dad." that grabbed his attention, causing him to look over at me.

"I've changed, I have an apartment and a good job. I want you to give me a chance to know her." he told me.

"Come on." I said, moving forward towards the door. He hesitated to follow, but did.

"Mommy who's that?" Charlotte questioned, almost unbothered by her concussion.

"Remember how you asked where your daddy is? Well I thought we couldn't find him. But today he got you from school when you got your boo boo, and he wants to meet you." I explained. I watched at her eyes lit up.

He moved to the edge of her bed and she practically flung herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his body. The smile that formed on his face is unforgettable.

"I told you we'd find him Mommy" she giggled. He hugged her back, pulling the little girl into his lap so he could hold her.

"You aren't gonna go away, right?" she looked up at him.

"No, I'm never going to leave you." he told her, and he meant it. Seeing them like this makes me wish I'd fought to find him. But I know she'll be forever grateful for letting him back in our lives.

They blonde held her in the hospital bed until she fell asleep in his arms. Apart of me hated how happy it made me to see him admire his daughter. This is was I've always wanted for Char, now it's reality.

He laid her down and tucked her in as I watched from the chair,

"Goodnight daddy" she mumbled, half asleep. He smiled, tears still threatening to fall.

"Goodnight baby" he replied with a huge smile on his face.

We stepped out of the room to talk so we didn't wake her.

"This is my new phone number and address, I really do want to be apart of her life." Evan told me. I nodded, taking the slip of paper from his hand.

"Once she's better we can talk about a plan that she agrees with, maybe some day trips then a night or two to start?" I asked.

"I'd love that."

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