II: Ivey

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I was taking a nap when I heard knocking on my door. “Come in” I yelled, not caring who entered. “You decent,” Ray yelled. 
“Bitch just come in” I yelled standing up looking at the sports bra and shorts. “I was wondering what you're doing today,” He asked. “Nothing that I know of. Why?” 
“Do you wanna go to the club with me tonight we’re doing this like a staff party thing and I don’t get along with the staff. You're also really good at partying.” I thought about it. “Common Ivey drinks on me all night” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “That desperate huh” 
“Hell yeah I am” He said, admitting it. “Fine but be prepared you might have to carry me home tonight, what's the dress code?”
“I'll keep that in mind, and I don’t know what to wear , I guess,” he said, making me laugh. “What time do I need to be ready?” 
After he left I took a shower and looked in my closet. After hours of searching I gave up and went to Lexis' room. I knocked on the door to which she instantly replied with “one second.” She came to the door and her hair was all tangled. “Am I interrupting something?” I laughed. “No you're saving me, what do you need for love?” “Can I borrow a dress or something to wear to the club with Ray tonight. Please? I don’t have anything remotely good looking.”
“Bryan will you be a dear and get dressed and go play with the boys” she said to the guy laying in her bed behind her. “One second please.” she said, turning around and seeing if he was decent. “Common in” she said. We both walked by Bryan like he didn’t exist and I kind of felt bad. 
“Ok so what you looking for, sexy, or mysterious” She said jokingly pulling a few dresses out from her closet. “These ones seem like you, you can try them on, I'll wait for her while you change,” She said, closing her closet door. 
The first dress I put on was black and mostly made up of lace. It was a corset top with a satin skirt. “Lexi” I called out and she opened the door and looked. “Put that in the maybe pile” She said, closing the door. The next dress was a simple emerald green dress with cutouts at the hips. We ended up spending nearly an hour trying to find a dress. Around five we decided on a black dress with a drop in the back that had a silver chain for detail. 
“Do you need shoes? I have these really cute black ones that’d look so good on you” I nodded and laughed. 
“You ready?” Ray asked. He was wearing a white button up with the top buttons undone and slacks. “Yes” I said walking to his car with him. The drive was half an hour. We got there a little late but that was ok. 
When we walked in I looked around for memories of the architecture of the place. It was well designed. “Wow” I said. “Never been in a club before.” “Yes I have snuck into one with Liz but never one like this, who owns this place” I asked. “I do,” he said. “Wait what.”
“I started working when I was thirteen. I opened two  bank accounts that I wouldn’t be able to open till I was 18, one for college and one for here. Well as it turned out all together I saved over half a million dollars and after college there was well over enough for this place so..” He said trailing off. “Damn I didn’t know smart thinkers, I see why she liked you.”  “What do you want to drink?” He asked “Bourbon straight up please?”
He left to go get the drinks and I sat down. He came back with the drinks and sat with me. “How come it's not very party-like right now?” “Lilly isn’t here yet,” he said. 
An hour passed and “Lilly” still hadn’t made an appearance. So I stood on the table and said. “Ok I know you don;t know me I don’t know you but let's carry on I know Lilly isn’t here but i can tell by the looks on your faces you're bored”  Ray looked at me like I was crazy but didn’t say anything. Insead he went behind the bar and grabbed shot glasses and moonshine. 
“You're right, I'm bored” He said, pouring at least forty shots. Everyone came over and grabbed one. I took mine without showing any face. Everyone looked at me like I was an alien. “What” I laughed while taking another. “Ray be careful your gonna have to carry her out” A girl said. “Im Trish” she said. “Ivey” I replied with a friendly smile. Me and her talked for a while and during that apparently Ray left. When he came back he said. “Matt, The guy in a blue shirt wants to do a shot contest with you he said he hasn’t lost since high school” I laughed. 
“He thinks he’ll beat me ok get the shots out”  Ray nodded and Matt came over.
“I’m not gonna lie I haven’t won one of these in years I just wanted to talk to you” He said I laughed. “Well either way your gonna loose.” 
Ray came back with tequila and more shot glasses. “You each have two minutes whoever wins gets bragging rights I guess,” Ray said pouring. Trish got her phone out to start a timer. “One… Two… Three” she yelled instantly I had two shots in my hand. 
I downed 52 shots. He got down maybe 32 before he tapped out and puked. Ray came up to me after and gave me a huge bro hug. “You weren’t joking when you said i'm gonna have to carry you out of here were you” “No i wasn’t” I slurred. He laughed. I was definitely drunk. 
“Ivey its time to go, '' Ray said, crouching next to me, putting my arms around his neck as he lifted me. “Thank you” I said tiredly. “For?” “For bringing me I had fun.” I said smiling. 
I ended up passing out the next thing I remember was waking up and rushing to the toilet. Ray must of heard me cause he knocked on the door and came it. “You ok?” I nodded. My head still in the toilet. He left and came back with a glass of water in his hand. I turned around with my back against the wall and he sat across from me. “You sure your ok” “Yeah im fine” I said curled up with my knees to my chest. After he left I got up and crawled back into bed. The next morning I woke up and there was advil and water on my bedside table. 
“Why’d you let me drink so much” I said to Ray when I saw him in the hallway. He laughed. “You should probably sleep this one off” 
“But I don’t want to sleep” I said. He took me by the shoulders and guided me back into my bed. “I’ll come check on you in a few, get some rest.” He said closing all the blinds in my room. “I hate you” I laughed. 
“What did I do” he said knowing I was joking. “Your making me sleep” 
Around five Ray knocked on my door. “Come in Ray” I said. “I got you some food and ginger ale.” He said walking over and sitting at the bottom of my bed. “How you feeling?” “I feel fine the head aches gone im just hungry” I said taking a bite of the burger he had boughten me. “Ok good, Luna asked me to tell you that we’re having a beach day tomorrow. Speaking you just moved here I’m warning you to prepare yourself and bring sunblock” 

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