III: Ray

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When I was younger I hoped and prayed one day all the pain and all the guilt would end. I prayed someone would come along and show me true love. Eventually that love came but soon after it was lost. Part of me really loved Liz. But the other part of me thinks I was too young and too naive to really know what it was. When Ivey came along I instantly felt that connection again. That one I had only felt with one other person before. Liz was the only person I felt this sort of connection with. The feeling is both exhilarating and terrifying. Ivey was like a forbidden object that you couldn't let go. 
Growing up poor, the one thing I always worried about was how I was going to make money. How one day I would survive on my own. With my own rules. I always found unique ways of making money. When I was six-teen I got the idea to open a club. At first it was nothing more than a little joke between me and my friends. But then I realized it could be more. It could be more than a thought. It could be more than that. It could be real. I did my research and found out clubs make around 900,000 a year. Now after dividing it in more ways than one you’d be left with around $600,000 which is more than the average american makes. 
I started working when I was young. At first I didn’t know what to do with the money, then I decided why not build the club. Which brings us pretty much up to date. 
The sounds of loud music soon became my therapy after the club opened. It became my version of therapy. 
“Hey Ray, I'm bored,” Ivey yelled in the hallway.  “What do you want me to do about that?” I laughed.
“I don’t know, just something I guess.” 
“Did you get everything done for the beach day?” I asked if the answer was going to be known. She stood there quietly. “Ivey, we leave in what an hour” I said looking at the time. It was seven thirty in the morning. I got up and walked into her room laying on her bed. She was in her bathroom looking for something. “Have you seen my make-up bag?” she asked, making me laugh. 
“Why would I know where that is?” I said, turning on my phone. “Ugh ok” she said walking over to her bed putting a few towels, tanning lotion, and sunblock in her bag. Then going into her closet. “I don’t know what to wear.” She said, throwing her hands in the air like a toddler. “Umm, how about we start with a bathing suit.” I said laughing. 
“I know that but which one?” she said, still pleading. Pouting with her bottom lip. She looked so cute when she was frustrated. I rolled my eyes and got up. “What bathing suits do you have?” I asked. She pointed to a drawer full of bikinis. I grabbed a sage green top and found the matching bottoms. 
“You're a lifesaver” she said, turning me around and pushing me out the door so she could change. I walked downstairs and saw Luna and Lexi getting snacks together for the day. “Hey Ray, can you run and grab some tequila from the basement.” Lexi asked. After I came back with tequila I saw Ivey. She looked smoking hot. I feel weird having a crush on my dead ex’s best friend. But at the same time. It felt so right. It felt like there was know one else in the world that could make my heart skip a beat like she does with the simplest gesture. 
She was wearing a bikini with jean shorts and an unbuttoned button up that looked familiar. “Take a picture, it will last longer, my brother,” James said, patting my back.I laughed. 
“Thanks for the shirt by the way” she said walking by me and out the front yard. “Wait, why'd you go in my room?” I yelled to her from the front door. She laughed and ran back inside. 
A half an hour later everyone piled into James black G-wagon and headed down to the beach. The beach was only down the road so It didn’t take long. We all got out and me and James carried the coolers down the coast. We decided to go to a very secluded spot that know one was at; it was pretty much blocked by rocks. It was the perfect spot to speak when Ivey was underage. “Ok guys so we got tequila, white claw, and corona.” Lexi said standing up with a bottle. “There's also water and juice but those are now fun” she handed everyone a drink and then started to set up towels and an umbrella. I looked around to find Ivey. She was standing on the edge of the water. I walked up and stood next to her. 
“You ok?” I asked, noticing the off vibe she was giving off. She nodded her head and walked away and layed on her towel for a bit. “Why don’t you and I take a walk?” James said, walking up to me. I nodded and walked with him. It was awkward at first because I knew he wanted to say something but I didn’t know what.
“Look Ray, I don’t know how to say this but I know you like her. I think everyone does but her, and that's only because she hasn’t known you for as long as we have, from what I hear from Luna, she's had some pretty meat up shit happen to her. And I know you're not intending on hurting her but try not to.” His words shocked me.
“I know James,” I said calmly. “You know what?” He asked. 
“I know her past. I know some fucked up shit has happend but it wasn’t just to her it was to me to, and im not going to waist time denying I have feelings for her, but the thought of being with her terrifies me. Do you even know what happened?” I asked curious if he knew. 
“I know her best friend died in a car crash and she was there,” he said sympathetically. 
“Her best friend was Liz.” I saw the pure shock on his face. 
“Wait liz like your ex that died.” I nodded. “Man i'm sorry for giving that speech I feel like a jackass' ' I shrugged it off. 
“The fact I have feelings for Ivey terrifies me. She's my dead ex’s best friend and there's something about her that feels so wrong but so right. Its scary.” I said. I could feel my face getting heated as I got emotional. James gave me a bro hug. “Your going to get through this I promise and I’ll be here for you know matter the result.” 
A few moments passed of silence before we decided to head back to the girls. They were all sun bathing with there eyes closed. “We’re back” James said. “Good to know” Luna said. Ivey just sat there. “Ivey you dead” James said laughing knowing she fell asleep. I grabbed some ice cubes from the cooler and started throwing them at her. “Ivey, Ivey wake up” she grunted. I continued to throw ice at her till she woke up. “Damn it Ray im going to kill you” she laughed standing up. I ran away from her and she chased after me. I ran into the water knowing she wouldn’t follow.
“Come back here bitch” She yelled. “Ok” I said walking to her. When I got close enough I picked her up and threw her in the water. “You bitch” she said, splashing the water at me. 
Hours passed and everyone was drunk. Except for me I was the designated driver. James wasn't too bad. But Ivey passed out. James, Luna and Lexi went to the car as I picked everything up. I put everything in the car before coming back to get Ivey. I Picked her up bridal style. She grunted a little and buried her head into my chest. She was so tiny. She felt so fragile in my arms. 
I kissed her forehead before putting her in the passenger seat. 

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