IV: Ivey

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Days had passed since the beach day. Ray was being odd if you asked me. I wouldn't say he's avoiding me but there's something strange going on with him.

"Hey Ivey, can I talk to you?" I heard Luna say. "Yeah sure, just shut the door." She did as I asked and came and sat with me in my bed. "Hey little one so, I was just wondering how you felt about Ray because you guys have been really close and I get the feeling you like each other." I blushed. "I wouldn't put it that way but I don't know how I feel about him. I know I like him as a person and all. But he's Liz's ex." I said with my head down.

We talked for a few then she left. I had nothing planned for the day and I was bored as all hell. I slept most of the day till late at night. I was woken up by the sound of broken glass downstairs. I got up and walked downstairs to see what it was. It was around 1 am. Everyone was either asleep or not there. Or so I thought. I continued to walk in the direction of the crash and I saw glass all over the ground. It was a vase that had been sitting on the counter for days. I looked around the corner and saw Ray by the kitchen sink, blood dripping from his hand.

"Ray?" I said walking towards him, making him jump. "What's wrong?" I asked. He was cleaning a deep cut.

"Nothing, I'm ok, go back to bed," he said, trying to push me away. I hated when he did that. "Ray don't lie," I said, turning him to face me. I saw tears glittering in his eyes. I hugged him. "What's wrong Ray talk to me please" I pleaded. He pulled away looking at me. He backed me up so I was against the counter. "I can't keep this from you anymore," he said, lifting me up by my hips and placing me on the counter. I was extremely flustered and red-hot. "I like you. I like you so much it hurts, I like you so much it terrifies me to be around you. That's what's wrong. It hurts. I feel horrible for saying that but it's true. There's something about you that's different that feels right" He said. His words shocked me. My mouth lay wide open.

"God, please say something," He said. I still stayed there quietly. We sat there for a few of him standing in between my legs. I scooted closer to him. So my hips were touching his. "I'd be lying if I said this didn't feel wrong, but it also feels so right," he said, his face inching closer to mine. I smiled. "Nothing about this is wrong," I said.

"Kiss me" he begged. I leaned in and slowly peeked his lips. He looked up at me and smiled. I put my hands around his neck and he put his on my waist. Bing in his hands felt good. It was intoxicating. He stared his crystal blue eyes into mine. He leaned in and kissed me. Are lips moved instinctively? His hands moved up and down my torso.

We sat there making out till someone opened the door. We both jumped back and looked at each other then at who walked in. It was James. He didn't see anything but me and Ray both knew he knew.

"Hey guys," he said. I could tell he felt awkward. I smirked and walked by him. Ray followed. He followed me into my room and kissed me one more time. "Goodnight beautiful" he whispered and shut the door behind him. The quieter It got the more I processed what happened. I soon began to cry a mix of sad and happy tears. I was happy because well it was Ray. But I was also sad knowing once the end of summer came along I would have to leave. Being with Ray felt so right. It felt so good it felt bad. I was scared. I was scared of love. I was scared to let him fully in.

The next morning I woke up and did my normal routine. After I was done I went to Ray's room. I knocked on the door and then walked in. He was sitting at his desk working on paperwork. "Hey!" He said, looking back at me. "Hey," I said, smiling at him. "Whatcha up to?" I asked "Filing the club's taxes, what are you doing?" he said. "I'm trying to get this really cute boy's attention" he turned and poked an eyebrow up. "Hmm, can you tell me about him?" He said getting up and started walking closer to me. I smiled.

"Well he's like crazy cute he makes me insane and he's like really fucking cool" I stopped because he was standing in front of me with his hands on each side of my body. His mouth was inches from mine. I kissed him and he kissed back. He moved so that he was sitting on the bed and I was on top of him. Are lips moved at the same rhythm? "Ok get up," I said getting off of him. He pouted. "Why?" he whined. "Cause I want to go out and I don't have a car" I smiled.

We got in the car and drove. "Where are we going?" he asked. "I have no Idea take me somewhere fun" I smiled.

We ended up driving for hours. Talking and laughing the whole time. "We're here," he said. I got out of the car and stood in front of the car. We were at a house thing. "It's the Biltmore estate," he said. I smiled and it looked so fun. The sun was already setting. Which reflected off the building beautifully.

We walked into the building and a lady greeted us. I left to go to the bathroom leaving Ray in the big room. When I left the bathroom he held his hand out to me. "Come on let's go get dinner" I followed him out and back into the car. We drove to this really nice little dinner about thirty minutes away from the estate. After we ate our dinner we got back into the car "I got a surprise for you" He said.

We drove back to the estate but this time we parked in a different parking lot. "What are we doing here," I asked smiling. "Well I got us a room for the night," he said smiling. I got out of the car and ran over to his side. By the time I got there, he was already out of the car. I kissed him briefly and he picked me up bridal style. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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