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my heals click against the school hallway as i make my way towards my classroom.

i hear the sounds of loud talking coming from my classroom as i stand in front of my door.

i let out a quiet sigh getting myself ready to end my last period. I open the door making the chatter immediately stop

i walk in skimming the room to make sure all of my students were there. I make my way to my desk dropping my binder down and sitting myself down

i look up seeing they already went back to conversing with each other. i take the time to pull the last paper out of my binder, looking at the plan for this period

i read over the paper seeing they only have a book report to finish up. I silently thank God their old enough to understand how important is it that they get their work done

as 12 graders, they weren't my easiest grade, but i was thankful they respected me

"Y'all can chat with each other, but i'd like that book report done by the end of class" i say as my voice boomed throughout the classroom

i hear a series of groans but i don't pay it any mind knowing they'd still listen to her orders

i hear footsteps walk up to my desk making me look up noticing Ronnie

she gives me a sly smirk as she makes her way over to my desk, sitting on the side

"don't you have a assignment" i raise an eyebrow dropping my pen

"finished it two days ago" she winks at me making me roll my eyes looking back at my binder writing some plans for tomorrow

she gets up making me think she's going back to her desk but she grabs an open chair pulling it right next to me

"if the principal decided to walk in here, i could get in big trouble" i give her an amused look and she thinks for a second before answering

"he can shove that ruler up his ass" she point to the ruler next to me making me frown

"you should let me do your next lace" she says lifting a piece of my burgundy body wave wig

"no" i scrunch my face up knocking her hand down knowing how inappropriate this looks

"whatever" she mumbles rolling her eyes grabbing my binder making me sigh in frustration turning to her

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