Chapter 3

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"Victoria we were so worried about you two!" "I know I'm so sorry I don't know what I was thinking." "So what supplies do we have down here?" All of a sudden we see a stream of water streaming into the underground cabin. "We have to get out of here or we will drowned!" "It's our only choice!" We opened up the door and instantly we hit water. All went blank and my mouth filled up with water. "Where are your parents." Victoria said while gasping for air." I don't know. "Wait where are we?" Victoria asked while letting her eyes adjust to the sun light.

Raaaaaaaawwwwrrrr They look over to see a giant mutant turtle with spikes. "Uhh where are we and what is that" "Uh I have a million questions burning in my head but I don't think this is the right time!" "ONCE AGAIN RUN!"

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