Chapter 4: Ian

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Gasp gasp gasp "Why are you to so out of breath?" said a crippled wrinkly old man in a giant tree stump. "What or Who are you?" "I am Ian the mystical tree stump wizard. "Well mystical tree stump wizard we have a few questions for you!" "Ok If I answer however many questions you want then you must do one thing for me." "What is this one thing?" "Well if you repaint my house then I will answer any of your questions deal?" "Ummm that's kind of random but ok deal, When do we start?" "Tomorrow at dawn" "OK....." I looked over at Victoria, I could tell we were both thinking of how much of a nut job this guy is. "You guys are not from around here are you?" "No" "So that probably means you don't have a place to stay am I correct?" "No we don't...You wouldn't know by chance a place where we could stay until we get stuff figured out." "I do by chance have somewhere you could stay." " Where would this place be?" "At my cottage just over that hill what do you say?" "Yes please thank you mystical tree stump wizard." "You can call me Ian you know" "Ya thank you Ian is a lot shorter than mystical tree stump wizard!" "Alright follow me." We followed Ian until we see a little straw cottage just down the hill. "This is where I live not much but since it's only me there's no one else to impress." "It's a cute little cottage what room will we be staying in?" "Follow me just back here." "Do you have any food?" "VICTORIA!! Don't be so needy toward Ian he is nice enough to let us stay here don't be asking to eat his food!" "No it's quite alright I'll be right in to bring you some food." We walked in to see two little beds and a night stand along with a little window. "What do you think Victoria?" "It's cute by the way are you just a little bit worried about your parents?" "Of course I am I just feel like we will figure this whole thing out tomorrow." "By the way are you still mad that I didn't tell you that I'm a vampire?" "No I was just surprised that you would keep that kind of thing from me." "I know I'm sorry." "Uh also I am a witch." I said without thinking. "Ya think I didn't already know that?" 30 min. Later.... "What's the matter vic." "Nothing" "Don't lie to me I know that look there is something the matter." "It's just that hasn't it weighed on you that neither of us could ever see our parent's again."

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