Chapter 2: The Tsunami

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"There's our shelter!" The shelter was damp and there were rats everywhere! "Ok let's take role call." "Jeff. " "Here" "Jessie" "Here" "Victoria" " Wait where is Victoria!" "Oh no I think I know where she is!" "WHERE!" "She is at the hospital with her parents!" 10 minutes later..."WHAT ARE YOU DOING VICTORIA!" I asked as I stared at her with blood running down her mouth and holding a blood packet. "Umm I wanted to tell you but-" "BUT WHAT!" "I was afraid to tell you I'm a vampire!" "It's not even about you being a vampire anymore it that there is a tsunami happening and you ran away to get blood!" "If you would just have told me you were a vampire then I could easily have gotten you blood!" "Let's go we can talk about this later." "No time for later!" WHOOOSH Victoria picked me up and carried me and ran at full speed to high ground...

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