Chapter:5 Morning

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KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "Are you girls up?" "We are now?" "Are you ready to start painting?" "Sure why not!" "Can we eat breakfast first?" "Sure come to the kitchen and I will get you some breakfast." "Oatmeal or Pancakes"? "Both" they said at the same time. "Ok you shall have both" said Ian. I scarfed down my food so that we could start getting some answers. "What color exactly do you want your house to be?" I asked curiously. "Hot pink" he answered. Victoria and I turned around and blurted out laughing." What's so funny?" Ian asked seriously. "Oh um it's just that- that- you don't seem like-" "Like what!" He said cutting me off. "It's just that you don't seem like the kind of person that would dye their house pink, that's all." We reassured him. "What kind of person would seem to have a hot pink house." "These pancakes and oatmeal are delicious." I said changing the subject before this could go on. I glanced over at Victoria. "What's wrong you haven't barely said a word all morning?" I asked Victoria." I'm just worried about what's going to happen to us" I gestured Victoria into t he other room. "Anything that might happen is going to be ok because, we are going to do it together, ok?" "Ok". Victoria barely touched her food while I was scarfing down my food. I immediately remembered the little run in with the blood packets. Just the thought of blood made me feel like I was going to throw up. My thoughts were thankfully interrupted Nubian asking us if we were ready. I agreed and walked down the stone steps. "ummm how exactly are we supposed to paint straw? " I asked. "That's the hard part". I knew that there was going to be some kind of "but". Victoria and I took the hot pink paint and set it next to the house.

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