The adventure home

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Leaving Ian's house was really scary. We had no idea to what or who we might find on our way to the portal. I mean I am a witch and Victoria is a vampire but this is a whole new experience. As we started walking towards something that seemed like it was a lake, which on our case is good. As we carfully aproached the lake I decided I would use a transformation spell. I have not learned many spells, although gladly this is the one I am best at. I found a pebble and decided to use that to make our raft/boat. I pointed my hands toward the pebble and focused on my magic as much as I could. The first few times didn't work until finally I ended up with a boat that could hold both of us. "I thought this was supposed to be fairy tale and witches land, not candy land." Victoria referring to the licorice grass. We both climbed onto the some - what ok boat and started drifting out into the water. After about 30 minutes we reached the middle of the lake. Boom boom boom. Slap Slap slap. I glanced over at Victoria slowly. "Three words, what, was, that."Victoria asked. I slowly walked to the edge of the boat. Shining in the water I see sparking tails. "No, way" I said slowly. "They are mermaids!" Victoria exclaimed. "They seem to not be bothering us so let's just leave them to do their own thing" I said. Ever since I was 5 I have been scared of the water because during a class field trip to the pool I nearly drowned. Once we finally reached the beach we headed for a couple miles until we decided to stop and try and find food before it gets dark. We searched all around but all we could find was candy. But then all of a sudden I heard oinking in the distance. "You have got to be kidding me." I said looking. "The three little pigs." We said together. "It's food, I guess." Victoria said. We had tried everything already, even I tried using magic for food. "Well it leaves us no choice." We hunted down the pig and I used the stove on the boat to cook it. I was pretty much suprise I cook barely make that boat, the last thing I would think to have is a stove! "This has ruined my childhood." Victoria said. We sat there and laughed and ate pig. After we were done eating our favorite story time pig we headed on the rest of our journey. Our next place is the woods. After about another 2 miles of candy we finally reached the the head of the forest. "Let's go home!" I exclaimed. About an hour later my legs began to get tired. As it grew darker and darker little lights started to form in the trees. "What are those?" Victoria asked. "I don't know let's find out." Aproaching the little lights we began to see that they were little human with wings. "They are faeries!" Millions and millions of faeries flew all around us as we walked farther and farther into the woods. It was like Millions of lights were hung up around us.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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