First Day

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Lo'aks POV

I wake up to Tuk jumping on me, Neteyam and Kiri. I groan asibthrough a pillow at her.
"It's so early, see uts still dark outside," I whine.
"No you skxawng, it doesn't really get bright here because of where it is compared to the sun." Kiri informs me.
Dad comes in then telling us we gotta wake up and go help around. I get up and tie my hair back as I assume we will be doing swimming today.

Dad tells us all something but is mostly directing it toward me.
"I need you all to be on your best behaviour. Pull your weight, earn your stay. Don't get into any trouble" He tells "us".
"Yes dad, we know. Can we go now?"
We all run out and take a moment to admire all of of glowing colours around us. We walk over to the water within the Cave.



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I am suddenly splashed with a wave if water as the others have arrived and have all jumped into the water. I can see them under the water because there skin glows in the dark like the plants. Its so cool. I didn't get to see it yesterday because it was the brightest it can be when we arrived. But now I can see glows swimming around the water. The brightest glow is (y/n). I guess because of the skin condition she glows all over her body.

(Y/n) pops her head out of the water with a big smile. She waves at us and motions for us to come in. Me and Neteyam look at eachother before jumping in and splashing (y/n). Her laugh is contagious and makes me laugh too. Shes even prettier when she is glowing like this.

"Hey guys," she says with a smile on her face.
"This is so cool," I say, looking around at all the glows.

"I know right," Tsyal says right after taking her head out of the water.

"Hi Neteyam," she blushes.

"Uh hi Tsyal..." He replies. Tsyal definitely likes Neteyam. I don't know about what Neteyam thinks though.

"Tuk! Are you coming in?" Ralu shouts as soon as he sees Tuk.

Tuk hesitantly jumps into the water and screams in joy,"This is so cool!" She shouts in awe as Ralu takes her around.

"Where is Kiri?" Maratu asks. I'm surprised he even thought to ask.

"Oh.. I'm not sure. She was here a second ago," I say as I look around.

"I think I saw her go that way," Tsyal informs us.

"I'm sure she's fine," Neteyam says and we brush it off.

"So what are you guys gonna teach us first?" I ask, mainly directing the question at (y/n) because I'm not the biggest fan of the other two let's just say.

"Well before we go rushing into anything, I think you guys should get used to the water. We can go just swim and have fun. Mabye work on some breathing techniques." (Y/n) tells me, "Follow us," she motions for us to join her as she dives under the water. I do as she said and follow her.

I let out a bubble at air from the shock I got at going under the water. It was just so beautiful under here. Its like the glowing plants were breathing and not to mention all the amazing crystals.

I see (y/n) swimming on her back looking up at me smiling. God shes pretty.

After a while and we have explored this area of the water more, we take a break and all sit up on a rock in the middle of the water.

"You tied your hair up," (y/n) says as she sits down beside me,"It's nice."

I feel a weird flutter in my stomach and I don't know what to do with it."T-thanks," I manage to get out.

Your POV

Lo'ak almost looks embarrassed after I complement him. Mabye I shouldn't have said anything. I was right though. His hair tied back suits him very well.

I look around to see everyone chatting away and Lo'ak doesn't really join and neither do I. I want to talk to him but i don't know what about.

"How was your uh.. accommodation last night," accommodation? Who says that? Oh my eywa.

"Oh it was alight, I mean I'm not really used to it so it was kind of weird. Back home we sleep in hammocks." He tells me.

"Oh well people sleep in hammocks here too. Up in the trees. I honestly don't know why you weren't put there to stay since that's what your used to but mabye there was no more left, I don't know. I actually sleep in a hammock. It's probably a bit different to your kind of hammock... I can show you some time," I say as I realise I've said why to much in one go.

"Yeah that would be nice," he smiles.

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