the truth

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Theo had dropped me home and he asked to stay but I just wanted to be alone

god I don't know if I even want this kid now if I don't have her by my side how can u find out your pregant next to her side the same day that she dies and just be okay with it?

the baby would be like a constant reminder of her I really don't think I could live with that...

I hear the door open downstairs making me snap out of my thoughts knowing it's my dad......wait before she died the phone call she found something out about my dad

I quickly put on a jacket and go downstairs

"hey dad I'll be right back I just need to get something from Theo's" I say as he nods sitting down on the kitchen counter stool pouring a drink as I walk out the door and literally run to makayla house she only lives about 7 doors down so it's not far at all

as I get to her house I could still see the police outside still with makayla mum

"hey hermoine I need to go to makayla bedroom" I say out of breath as she nods confused and I run through the front door and up the stairs into her bedroom trying to catch my breath

I was about to go to her closet when I see a note with my name on it on her vanity making me pick it up and open it quickly as possible

It wasn't her handwriting is the first thing I spotted and I read over it again and again and again but none of it made sense, it kept going on about how much she loved me and that she is sorry but nothing about the baby so if she wrote it there would be a something about the baby

also I know makayla and she would never kill herself she was the happiest person ever and she never kept a single thing to herself she was open and outgoing

I know the happiest people could be the ones who need help the most but I promise you makayla never had a single bad day she's one of those people that was gods favourite never had anything go wrong in her life perfect family perfect everything

she wouldn't kill herself and I know that there is something wrong about all of this, I can feel it especially since that letter is not her or her handwriting

I shove the letter into my jacket pocket and open up her closet sitting down on my knees and opening up the secret compartment to find a box with my name on it making me furrow my eyebrows

this was never here before....

I open up the box to see a cassette player with headphones I slip the headphone on immediately and press play

Faith if your listening to this it means that I never got to tell you what you need to know and I am sorry I should have told you straight away when I started looking into this about your dad but in this tape it is the truth and I really hate to be the person you find it all out from but you need to know.
First thing I'm gonnna start with and I'm just gonna come out and say it all no apologies just the truth okay and in advance I am sorry.
Your mum didn't die at birth faith it was your father he killed her when you was about 3 years old and was abusive to her throughout the whole pregancy.
Your father is not the person we think he is faith, you ever wondered why he dosen't say much to you it's cause you are the constant reminder of her.
Your mother is not the only person he killed the list goes on and on and on and on and it never stops...
He's a bad person and there is something he is trying to find but I couldn't figure out what but he's trying to find something with ward Cameron yeah sarah dad faith....
And look faith you need to listen to me and do the right thing please for once, for me and put an end to this like I was going too.
I love you with whole heart and make sure you look after the little munchkin growing inside of you and never give up just keep on going for me okay you are very lucky lady that you are gonna have jj as the baby dad and not someone like your father.
Lots of love and kisses makayla
also tell jj soon faith get rid of Theo please.

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