✨First date✨

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He likes to keep his dates simple but makes sure it serves its purpose. He wants you to know he truly likes you so he takes you on a classic dinner date at the finest restaurant in the Devildom. He won't say anything embarrassing that will destroy his pride but he loves to just enjoy a simple dinner to get away from the chaos of life and just be with you. After dinner he takes your hand in his, holding you close and whispering how once you're in private he's going to kiss you like you've been waiting for.


He's a sucker for romance. He tries his absolute hardest to make the most enjoyable date for you. You go shopping, wander through town, and eat at little food trucks until it gets dark out. He accidentally sputters out lots of cute embarrassing things like how much he likes you and how he can't believe HE is good enough to be on a date with YOU. He is definitely super nervous and gets too flustered to hold your hand so you have to initiate it. At the end of the night though he isn't too embarrassed to kiss you goodnight before sending you off into your room.


He, just like mammon, is also a sucker for romance. He studied many dating sims and love shows to understand how the "perfect" first date is. He takes you on a picnic in the evening and you both watch the stars together after the sun sets. A shooting star flies by and his eyes widens and he takes his chance. He leans over and BAM. your lips are connected. Afterwards He gets super embarrassed after realizing he spent his whole day thinking about you and not even once thinking about his beloved idol Ruri-Chan.


He wants to pamper you. You're going thrifting together and are having fun making outfits for each other out of random feather boas and sun hats on the shelves. Afterwards you're going to go to a makeup store and Asmo will gush about all the products he loves as much as himself. At the end of the day he pulls out a necklace he secretly bought for you. He puts it on you and smiles before kissing your cheek and telling you he loves you as more than he loves himself.


He takes you to a library that's connected to a coffee shop. You both start off with getting coffee and then finding books together, learning a lot about each other in the process. (The types of books people read tells you a lot about them). Afterwards you go for a walk and chat about random things and just enjoy each others company.


He wants to do something FUN. he wants to hangout with you and not get distracted by the brothers sneaking up on you so he takes you to an amusement park. You ride all the rides and kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel. After each ride you stop at food stands because of course Beel is hungry. At the end of the night you watch the firework show and sparks fly in the sky just as they do when Beel connects your lips.


He doesn't like going out in public. He will if it's with you but not on the first date. For the first date you both sit in the comfort of his room, snuggled up under the covers binge watching movies until you fall asleep in each others arms. With his arms around you he whispers he loves you in your ear and kisses your forehead before dozing off himself.


616 words

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