✨Lucifer x Mc✨

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What if... Mammon was the one who slapped Lucifer into realizing his feelings??


"Mammon... this is the ninth time this week I've caught you sneaking into y/n's room when you're supposed to be in your own." Lucifer grumbled angrily, Mammon sat on his knees with a dead expression on his face.

"Its not my fault!! They asked me for help! So i just did my wonderful Demon-best-friend duties and helped them out!" Mammon shrugged nonchalantly.

"And what exactly did you help them with?" Lucifer crossed his arms and his brow rose. Mammon bit his lip, contemplating his answer. He was sworn to secrecy.... But lying to Lucifer could also mean instantaneous death. After a while he just sighed.

"Here's the deal, I can't tell you yet, BUT what if... we make a bet?" Mammon smirked.

"Why would I make a bet with you? Especially while I'm punishing you for disobeying the rules?" Lucifer squinted in disapproval, shaking his head.

"I'm glad you asked! If you win the bet, I'll tell you what I've been helping y/n out with. And if I win, you have to give me Goldie back!"

"What is this bet you're trying to make with me exactly? Lucifer sighed, rolling his eyes "maybe I'll do it if it's not completely idiotic."

"Well..." Mammon started to trail off, Lucifer tapped his foot and Mammon flinched. Lucifer was giving him a look that screamed 'get on with it already' and that was terrifying enough in itself.

"If you can get Y/n to go on a date with you, ill tell you what we're doing every night." Mammon smiled, in truth, he was your wingman. Every night he wandered into your room to help you think of ways to catch Lucifer's eye. Mammon was the best option for helping you out because first of all he had the most interactions with Lucifer, whether they were good or bad. And second of all, if you know what makes someone angry, you know what keeps them happy. And mammon sure as hell knew how to anger Lucifer.

"And just why would I ask Y/n out on a date?" Lucifer scrunched up his face. "That sounds ridiculous."

"First off.. DO NOT say a date with y/n would be ridiculous because it wouldn't, that's just rude. And second of all, you like them don't you?" Mammon crossed his arms and changed positions, now sitting criss-cross on the floor.

"And what exactly would make you think that?"

"Oh come on dude. Are you serious? You get super mad if anyone else even goes near them. That's why we're here isn't it? If I was sneaking off to Levi or Beels room you would've just shrugged it off, but because it's their room you suddenly care." Mammon made a funny face at how cringey all this sounded. "You always make sure they eat, get places on time, get good sleep, have leisure time, whatever. And you still think you don't like them?"

Lucifer pressed his lips in a thin line as he thought for a moment. Did he really pay more attention to you then everyone else? Did he really act so obviously about his feelings? He figured he hid them well but from what Mammon said, guess not. He inhaled deeply and pinched his nose.

"You're free to go." Lucifer waved Mammon away and the boy stood up. "Well? Are you taking me up on my offer?" Mammon asked with a smirk. "I know you want too~"

"Fuck.. fine just go. Now." Lucifer glared at Mammon and he finally realized Lucifer was getting serious. His 'punishment' was more laid back but now Lucifer was upset. Why? Mammon didn't know, nor did he want to. He took that as his cue that his work was done and bolted out of the room.

Lucifer sat down in his desk chair and rolled back and forth, am I that obvious? Lucifer grimaced. Before the worst hit him. He agreed to that ridiculous bet. And he couldn't just scrap it and let Mammon win because Goldie was on the line. As much as he hated the idea of being rejected, Mammon having Goldie was worse. He managed to spend Hundreds of thousands of Grimm in minuets.

Lucifer groaned and decided to distract himself and focus on work for a while. He picked up a pen and found a stack of paperwork Diavolo needs done and quickly got to work. After a few hours of writing nonstop with only one two minute tea break, Lucifer decided it was enough. He needed to do something, what was the point in delaying it.

He's the avatar of pride for fucks sake he's gotta have some dignity. He pushed himself up from his chair. Lucifer went over his dilemma in his head. He never figured being open about his feelings would actually prove to be difficult. He liked honest and genuine people, people who didn't hide how they felt. So why was it so hard for him to admit how he felt?

Lucifer made his way to your room and knocked on the door. After hearing a faint 'come in' he turned the knob and entered. You sat on the floor, papers out in front of you, struggling with your chemistry homework. Lucifer's lips twitched into a small, almost unnoticeable smile at the sight and he sat down next to you.

"Need help?" You nodded and Lucifer examined the paper. He handed it back to you and started pointing at the question. "Which substance does not obey the Lewis octet rule? a) N2 (b) NO (c) CF4 (d) Ar?"

"I don't knowwwwww that's why I'm asking you!" You whined and threw your head back. "I've been stuck on this question for twenty minuets and Satan refuses to help me because he says it's cheating!"

"The answer is B." Lucifer muttered, he wasn't a fan of cheating either, but he couldn't muster out an explanation to why the answer was B either. "Say... are you busy later?" Lucifer silently cursed himself out at how horribly lame he sounded.

"No, why?" You turned your head towards him, his eyes trailed across your features, stopping at your lips.

"How would you feel about having dinner with me... just the two of us of course." He closed his eyes in anticipation and your eyes widened in surprise.

"Like..." a date. For some reason you couldn't say the words, even though they were on the tip of your tongue.

"Mm, I kind of suck with words. I sound incredibly stupid right now so let me just show you what I mean." Lucifer grumbled before quickly crashing your lips into his. His lips were soft, they connected with your perfectly almost as if they were meant to be this way. The kiss was short but served it's purpose. Lucifer didn't want to risk upsetting you if you didn't feel the same way and he just borderline harassed you.

"I-" you trailed off  "of course I'll have dinner with you. Especially if there's more of that involved" a smirk played on Lucifer's lips hearing you say that and he leaned in once more, this time the kiss was heavier. His hand snaked around your waist and you turned your body towards him. Your hands found their way into his hair and on his neck, messing up his perfectly styled hair. He paid no mind as he continued working his magic. After a while you both pulled away, panting slightly and mouths slightly agape.

"How does 7:00 sound?" Lucifer whispered.

"Sounds like a date." You smirked.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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