✨Asmo x MC✨

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Truth or dare, obey me edition!

Everyone sat in a scattered circle around the room, Diavolo had somehow convinced everyone to have a slumber party in the living room of the demon lords castle. After lots of pestering, everyone reluctantly agreed. Everyone was there, the brothers, the angels, even Thirteen and the others. All huddled in their little groups.

Mammon sat with Levi, Mephisto and Asmo, Beel sat with Belphie and Raphael, Simeon and Luke were by Solomon, sipping nighttime tea, Diavolo sprawled some blankets out by Barbatos and Lucifer, along with Satan reading a book on the couch.

"So why did you want us all to hangout again?" Lucifer scoffed as he started to fold his blankets into perfect rectangles, forming his cushiony bed on the floor next to Diavolos.

"I heard that these are fun and wanted to see for myself of course. Why else would I want to snuggle up next to my precious Lucifer in the middle of the floor." Diavolo joked and Lucifer cleared his throat, ignoring his statement.

"Well what do you want us to do? We don't even like each other. This is just torture not fun." He frowned and Diavolo scrunched his nose up, twisting his face Into a funny shaped smile.

"This can be a little bonding time!!" Diavolo grinned and Lucifer sighed in defeat. He knew he couldn't talk Diavolo out of it, especially now that he had everyone gathered in the room. "What games shall we play?"

"Ooh ooh! How bout seven minuets in heaven!" Thirteen giggled.

"Absolutely not! Half of us are related here" Mammon scoffed grossly and pretended to gag at the request, knowing she was joking. Thirteen rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. He could've sworn he heard her mutter lame under her breath.

"How about something easy like truth or dare?" Levi suggested and some started agreeing, after a few minuets the game commenced. They were all gathered in a messy, not very circle-shaped circle. Hours and hours went by with everyone laughing, and occasionally glaring at each other or throwing things. But overall everyone was getting along.

"Hmm Mammon truth or dare!" Levi turned to Mammon and he thought for a bit before answering.

"Dare obviously! I ain't scared of nothin!" Mammon retorted.

"I dare you to swap clothes with Lucifer!" Levi smirked and Mammon gasped in horror.

"Absolutely not there's no way he will simply accept this dare." Mammon grumbled while standing up waddling over to Lucifer. Lucifer glared at him, silently telling him to sit his ass back down and shut up. Mammon got the hint and squeaked before scurrying back to his seat, Levi shrugged and called Lucifer a lame ass before the game continued. 

"Okay okay, hmmmm who hasn't gone in
a while, aaah I know-! Asmo, truth or dare?" Solomon cocked a brow his direction and Asmo giggled, a bit tipsy from the Devils wine Barbatos grabbed from the kitchen.

"Hmmmmm- Dare!" Solomon smirked and pointed at him before speaking slowly, so that even when drunk Asmo could understand.

"Kiss the person on the hand that you think is most attractive in the room." Solomon chuckled to himself as Asmo's mouth gaped. Solomon was the one person Asmo gushed to about people he liked. Not nessessarily romantically but anyone he found appealing. But Solomon noticed him start to stare at you more often, and noticed how Asmo always brings you up in their conversations, even when it has nothing to do with you.

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