Chapter 14 - Another Mikaelson Secret

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The transformation back to human from wolf was just as hard but at least it was over for another month. I try not to think about what the rest of my life is going to be like now. I dread shifting every month but I suppose I deserve the pain. I'm just so grateful Nik was with me to relieve some of my suffering and to stop me from hurting anyone. I'm so glad I didn't attack him.

Dad is silent on the car drive back home as I stare out of the window. He hasn't said anything since we've shifted back and I wonder if I've done something to upset him. He's never this quiet and it's odd he hasn't said anything about last night yet.

"Dad, is everything okay?" I ask.

"It's all fine, don't worry. I'm just exhausted," he responds but I don't believe him. I reach out to grab Nik's hand, wondering if Dad will say anything but he doesn't, even when he notices. Maybe it was the effect of the full moon that caused him to lash out at Nik, but even now he's not acting his usual self. He seems more reserved than normal.

As we arrive back at the house I realise I don't know where I'm going to spend the rest of my summer. I love my dad and being home but there's nothing in Florida for me to want to stay. I can't just turn up back in New Orleans as Maeve and I aren't getting on at the moment. And I don't have a place at Stanford until autumn. I suppose I'll stay here at home and spend time with my dad. He can help me through the next full moon which I am already dreading without Nik being there to help me. I don't know how I'll manage without him. I'm so thankful he offered to help me last night.

Surprisingly Dad invites Nik inside and I question again his sudden change in attitude towards him. While he was hostile towards him before, now he makes no comment. I am slightly confused but won't complain.

"Now, you tell her," Dad says to Nik as he sits down on the kitchen chair and I take a seat opposite understanding his attitude from this morning. I presume Dad wants Nik to tell me the rest, filling in the gaps, everything Nik has been reluctant to tell me. He has given up on trying to persuade me Nik is an awful man as it is clear that won't resonate with me so he is making Nik push me away himself by forcing him into this. I don't like how he is waiting so eagerly, waiting for my unfavourable reaction and changed opinion of the Mikaelsons.

"Not everything. Not right now," Nik argues with him and my dad goes to reply but Nik interrupts him. "I will tell her more, since you have asked. But only as a courtesy as you are her father. Do not ask me to divulge everything right now, it will be too much. You must not forget I do not tolerate anyone demanding answers from me."

I try not to laugh at his superficial words, he definitely tolerates plenty of my demands. My dad finally agrees and comes to a silent agreement with Nik. I feel a little bit nervous now at their grave faces, clearly it's not going to be anything good. And knowing the Mikaelsons' past it won't be pretty either.

"My family. The Mikaelsons. I told you about us being over a thousand years old, immortal, created by my mother's magic. I didn't tell you how." Nik draws in a deep breath looking just as nervous as I feel. I reach out and touch his shoulder but he shrugs away from me and I start to panic inside. It must be awful, what he's about to tell me if he won't let me touch him. He's never shied away from me like that before.

"She used a form of blood magic. We are dependent on blood to survive." He closes his eyes as he reveals what he's been trying to keep from me. "We drink human blood to sustain ourselves."

I sit looking between both of them for some proof they are joking. I don't know whether to believe them but as I've learnt before I can't really afford not to. If werewolves and witches are real, who know what else is? Both Nik and Dad closely examine me for a reaction.

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