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It was the the next day and I was feeling myself.
Justin didn't want to tell me the truth but I was going to make him.

Last night I researched vampires or 'the cold ones' for a little more knowledge.
If I was going to call him out, I needed to know what I was talking about.

Walking to the locker I've never used, I pretend to look for something.
But who I was really looking for was Justin.

I only saw him in one class but we always got to school at the same time.

He walked into the school and I basically ran into him.
By accident but on purpose.

"Woah" he wraps his arm around me, stopping me from bumping into anyone else.

"Come somewhere with me" I look up to him.

"Sarah wouldn't approve." The girl he's always with speaks.
I'm taking it, she's his sister.

Up close her face is perfect. Not a single flaw.

"Mia relax" Justin says nudging my body towards the doubled doors.

"Slow down" Justin calls out from behind me

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"Slow down" Justin calls out from behind me.

"I know you can keep up" I yell back continuing to walk deeper into the woods.

"You need to be careful out here" he says making me roll my eyes.

Immediately after, I stepped in wet mud and slipped but before I hit the ground, Justin caught me.

We stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds.
Then I pushed him off of me in frustration.

He was way far behind me. How did he grab me that quick?

"How old are you?" I ask.

"Im 18" he quickly answers.

"How long have you been 18?"

"Fuck Chrissy. You're never gonna give up?" He grabs his head as if I was driving him crazy.

"You know I'm not. I can keep a secret-"

"It's not about keeping a secret. It's about you're safety. How do you think I'd feel if something happened to you?" He interrupts catching me off guard.

"Why would you care if something happened to me?"

"Chrissy let's just go back to school. You could be getting yourself into something that you can't handle" Justin begs looking around.

"I can handle whatever you can handle" I step closer to him.

I'm not frightened by him. How any normal human would be.
He seems so disconnected from life.
I know he's basically dead. But at least he still gets to walk this earth.

He lifts me up to where my legs were wrapped around his waist and began to run full speed.

We passed by the trees so fast that I didn't even have moment to actually look at them.

"Can you swim?" He asks but I stay silent and in shock.

Looking back I seen him running towards the end of a cliff.

Me facing the opposite direction flipped backwards as he flew frontwards off the cliff.

Our bodies never untangled. I gave him all my trust.

We finally landed on the ground and he landed on his feet.

He's like a super hero.

"You shouldn't be impressed" Justin speaks a little pissed off.

"Why do you hate yourself soo much?"


My phone kept ringing and I noticed it was Chrissy's school.
Checking my emails, there was one from her principal.

Basically saying Chrissy didn't show up to school today.

I saw her getting dressed and ready for school this morning.
Beginning to panic I grabbed my things and rushed out the hospital.

"Who do you think you are?" I question as Chrissy walks through the door late.


"Don't what me! You may be 18 but you still live in my house!" I remind her.

"Let me live my life!" She yells back at me rushing up the stairs.

Excuse me?

I rushed behind her.

"What's with this attitude? Is it that boy you've been hanging around" I ask.

"Don't bring Justin into this" she try's to check me.

I laugh at her boldness.
"Relationships don't last forever. Don't forget that" I remark crossing my arms.

"Why are you always soo negative? I see why dad couldn't take you-"

"Your dad was sick!"

"Sick of you!" She slams her door.

How dare she?

I wanted to kick her door down but I didn't want to push her more than I already have.


"Your mom doesn't like me" I hear from behind me. Turning around I see Justin.

He was just standing in the corner of my room.

"I don't even think she likes me" I say sitting on my bed.

"You shouldn't push her away the way you do. There might be a time where you'll miss her nagging"

I just stared at him. I tell myself that all the time. But it sounds different coming from him.

"You're just going to stand over there or what" I began getting under my big blanket.

"I don't think this is a good idea"

"Good thing, I didn't ask what you thought" flipping the blanket, I show him the space where he'd lay.

He slipped into my bed and slid closer to me. Smiling at his gentleness, I pushed my butt back a little on him.


"Goodnight" I say satisfied with how the day went.


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