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I ran through the forest of forks. The trees going fast past me.

I heard kid laughter from behind me.
Turning around I saw nothing.

But since I wasn't paying attention ahead of me, I tripped over a branch and went flying down the hill.

My body hit the ground multiple times but I just kept flying down the hill.

When I opened my eyes I saw a deer looking back at me.
"I got it mommy" a small child that I couldn't see the face of says before speeding towards the deer and tackling it to the ground.

My eyes popped open and I was laying in my room.

Fuck was that a dream?

Stretching in my bed, I decide to get up and go see Justin.

Today was the day of the battle and I just wanted to make sure his head was in a good place after our argument yesterday.


"Hey" I say walking into his room.
He looked confused on how I got in.

"Sarah" I pointed out the room before taking a seat on his bed.

He leans over and sniffs my shirt.
"Where have you been?" He asks looking at me.

"No where" I shake my head. "I went straight home last night and I just woke up a couple hours ago and came straight here" I assure him.

What's going on?
I don't like when he acts like this.

"I think it's best if you stay here until after the battle" Justin brings himself to his feet.

"Why?" I ask following him out of his room.

"I can smell them on her" he expresses to Sarah.

"I did too. But tonight's the battle Justin, you have nothing to worry about"

I noticed Mia turn around and stare at me.

She kept looking at my shirt but she didn't say anything.
"She should stay here until the battles over with. Just to be on the safe side" she speaks.

Mia's never nice to me.
So whatever is going on is starting to freak me out.
Luckily I didn't have to worry about my mom going back to the house today because she has to pull an all-nighter at work. She won't be home until tomorrow morning.

"What's going on" I looked up at Justin.

"You should lay down."

Everyone looked at Mia crazy. What was up with her today?

"I mean to relax you know. You don't want to stress yourself out" Mia guides me back up the stairs and into Justin's room.


We were getting ready to leave for battle and I went by Justin's room to ask if he was ready.

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