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"Aro will see you now" a lady said guiding us to these double doors.

My brothers mind was going a million miles an hour.
"Justin" I say snapping him out of it.

Once we walked in we're were greeted by the leaders.

"The siblings" Aro smiled weirdly at us.
"And my beloved Sarah"

"Nice seeing you Aro" Sarah confidently speaks.

"Where's the half immortal child?" He then asks looking for giselly.

"Aro we're here to inform you, that both my son's lover and child died during the birth" Sarah says as Aro's expression falls.

"And why wasn't this reported back to me beforehand?"

"Justin is still grieving. We didn't think it would matter-"

"Didn't think it would matter?!" Aro stood to his feet making the room go silent.

He then sped towards us. "May I?" He asks Justin with his hands out.

Justin accepts and places his hand into Aro's.

Aro jumps back from Justin. "Your brain is very powerful" he speaks before speeding back to his seat.

"Off you go."

"What did you show him?" I questioned my brother as we sat in the hotel room.

He chuckled with his head down. "Chrissy taught me a little visual projection. I'm not as good as her but it helped us with Aro"

I smiled at the fact, that chrissy has made such an impact on my brother.
I appreciate her a lot for that.


"I thought we were getting ice cream" giselle says as we were cuddled up on the couch.

"Maybe mark isn't feeling well"

"I hope he's okay" she says putting her attention back on the tv.

Me too.
I can't believe what I did.
If I could take it back I would.
I could never hurt another human like that.

Someone began knocking on the door, which confused me.

I slipped off the couch and opened the door seeing...



"I've got ice cream" he held a single cone up in the air.

Giselle ran to the door in excitement. "Mark you came!" She expressed as he handed her the ice cream cone.

"Go in the kitchen so you don't make a mess" I ran my fingers through her curls.

She did as I said and I looked back at mark.

We literally just stared at each other.
No words.
No movement.
Just eye contact.

"I'm not mad. I just need your help with something" he grabs my hand.

"Mom! I'll be right back, watch giselle for me" I yelled to my mother, not taking my eyes off mark.

After shutting the door, mark sped off.

Fuck what did I do?

Vampire boy PT1Where stories live. Discover now