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I stare at the picture I took of my fast growing baby bump

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I stare at the picture I took of my fast growing baby bump.

It's been 2 weeks since I've last seen my mom. I miss her so much.

I know she misses me too but she would never put her pride to the side to text me first.
She needs to realize, I'm not one of her little boyfriends, I'm her daughter.

"Chris!" I year Justin yell for me.

I walk into his room and seen him holding these big blue headphones.

"What is this?" I questioned sitting on the bed.

"It's for the baby. So he can get familiar with our voices"

I chuckle at the fact that he swears I'm having a boy.
I haven't really thought much about the gender. I'm still stuck on the fact that my child is half vampire.

He sets the headphones on my belly and grabs a mic off the bed.

"This is your dad" he speaks lowly into the mic. His voice vibrates out the headphones.

I could feel the baby moving around a bit which put a smile on my face.

"Let me try" I snatch the mic from Justin as he laughs, sitting next to me.

"Hey little baby. You don't even understand how magical you are. Or how crazy your mommy is" I say rubbing my belly.

"This is one of my favorite pieces." Justin turns the mic off and connects his phone to the headphones.

(Für Elise- beethoven)

I could barely hear the music playing but I recognized the song.

I just close my eyes and feel the music internally.

All of the shit I've been through in the last month is crazy. But I believe everyone has that somebody.

Justin is my somebody.
Soon our baby will be here, hopefully we can then live in peace.


I watch chrissy as her mind just goes on and on.
I love how she thinks everything out in her head.
It's like inner monologue.

I used to think my life was a curse but now I'm very grateful for being who I am.
Chrissy probably wouldn't have paid me any mind if I were regular.

She began to lick her lips and hold her neck. It worried me but I wasn't even sure what was going on.

She winced in pain grabbing her stomach.
"Babe" I snatched the headphones off of her belly.

You could now hear the music a little louder.

Chrissy goes to stand before I hear a loud cracking noice.

I hold on to her body as she passes out.

I was in so much shock that I just stood there for second.

The room was silent, with only Beethoven playing in the back.

Is our baby going to kill her?

"Mia! ....sharahhh!!" I yell for help.

"She'll be fine for now...are you guy's considering changing her?" Carlisle asks stepping out of the room chrissy was in.

"It was a thought" i reply shaking my head.

"How long did you guys wait before changing Bella?" Sarah asks bouncing her leg.

Its crazy how connected everyone is to Chrissy.
To be honest I think it's just because of the baby.

"With Bella it was last minute. We basically lost her but she pulled through....I don't think we should wait with chrissy." Carlisle speaks before digging in a bag he brought. He then pulled out a tube full of some type of serum.

I'm still having second thoughts on having chrissy changed. It's not exactly an easy/painless process.

"Plan is in a week, I'll do an emergency c-section. Then we can Insert the venom into her iv" Carlisle assured us before walking back into the room.

I rub my head in irritation. I didn't want this life for her.
But now it's too late.

"Let's not think like that. We've got bigger fish to fry" Mia says stepping out of the room.

I look up at her. "The baby is thirsty"


"Call her" one of the head doctors say handing me a cup of coffee.

"Dr. Samuels if you know my daughter, then you know this is her way of asking for more attention." I shake my head, taking a sip.

"Then give her some. People don't do things for no reason" she shrugs, walking away.


"Is it good" Justin asks as I drunk the thick red substance from a cup.

"It's terrible" i shaking my head, forcing myself to swallow.

I don't see how he drinks this shit.

I barely remember what happened earlier, I just know whatever medicine Carlisle gave me, got me feeling good.

"Hopefully the baby will be here next week" Justin smiles scooting closer.

It's crazy. I've only been pregnant for like a month.



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