- Chapter Fifteen -

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Sorry for not updating in ages!! I literally had no motivation to write but enjoy this long chapter.

There was a stillness in the air—a silence.

Outside the soft distant chatter of the laughter of the men was heard, as they entered and exited the alehouse, echoing through the thin bedroom walls and into the silence.

A soft slash of water is heard as Odetta sinks further into the tub, the hot water lolling over her shoulders. There she lay, her head leaning on the side of the tub, her eyes gazing lovingly into Osferth's.

"Hop in," Odetta says softly breaking the silence.


"I said hop in." she says with a sigh, "You said so yourself, my love, that you need to bathe and this water is still quite hot," Odetta says

"It is rather unnecessary to heat up more water when there is perfectly hot water here, which could be used for the same purpose"

"Are you sure?" Osferth asks her

"Yes, I am sure, Os otherwise I would not have suggested it," she says to him, an unsure look remaining on his face.

"I trust you, Os and besides I know you would never force me into something I was not comfortable with, now Come on this water won't remain hot for long."

Odetta turns her back to him, and covers her eyes, allowing him to undress. Osferth then strips out of his layers of armour, under garments and shoes. Placing them next to Odetta's dress, he makes his way towards the tub, lowering himself into the other end of the tub, facing her.


Osferth lets out a soft hum at the feeling of the warmth of the water engulfing his body. After days spent on horseback, this was exactly what he needed. Cupping water into his hand, he splashes his face clearing the dirt and sweat that lingered.

"So tell me, what happened when you were away?"

A sign escapes from his lips, and Osferth begins to tell her everything. Starting with that witch Skade, to the curse placed upon Uhtred, the awkwardness he felt seeing his father and half-brother, and then to the battle that took place at Fearnham.

"So this witch Skade... She's here in Winchester?"


"Hmm," Odetta hums in reply.

"Turn around" she says her tone soft.

Gathering the small cloth and bar of soap, Odetta brings it up along Osferths back, neck and arms.

"She is of the devil; her heart and soul are sinister, as are her intentions. Her sinful nature will be her ruin—and our downfall."

"She is not to be trusted, Odetta. I'm serious"

"And trust her, we will not. If all is as you say, I'd rather none of us be within her presence," Odetta says her tone soft as she takes in what Osferth told her.

In all truth this witch scared her—why on earth did Uhtred bring her here. This sinister nature she processes—its unnatural, unknown and if all things went south—would ultimately lead us to our doom.

"What was Uhtred thinking, bringing her here." Odetta says lifting herself from the tub, and walking over to her clothes "His children are here, his men, us".

"I dont think he was thinking, in all honesty."

"He better know what he is doing" she says picking out her nightdress and cloak and heading to the corner to change.

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