The Treasure of Inazuma

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"While thy branches mix with mine..."

"And our roots together join..."


The rising sun stretched over the horizon, its light encapsulating all of the archipelagic region of Inazuma. The residents made about their daily routine, all while in the watchful eyes of the Shogunate.

Their Shogun had recently taken a more active role in handling the affairs of her home, ever since the events of the vision hunt decree ended years ago. Many have seen her roam about the streets of Inazuma City, all the while accompanied by a strange man viewed as her Kojunin (escort guard) whose origins remain a mystery for the citizens of Inazuma

Though, there have been snippets of info about the mysterious swordsman, mainly the sword he wields: through the whispers of the citizens, it is said to be a blade crafted from the primordial chaos by a divine demon, who was said to have launched a lone crusade against the rulers of hell and successfully severed the link between hell and their world with this powerful blade.

Though not many have seem to mind the Shogun's personal guard, instead, their gaze seemed to linger more onto the small child between them: as it turns out, the Shogun and the enigmatic swordsman had been wed under the Sacred Sakura, the child's, existence being proof of their union.

During the Shogun's patrols, the small child had opted to cling onto his mother's hand. And in the off-days, he was seen struggling to mimic his father's refined swordplay whenever the older cambion was training near him. Truly, the child was a sacred treasure in Inazuma...


It was late at night, several shadows sneaked about near the main building of Tenshukaku. They were assigned a particular task: a target of sorts, meant to avenge a certain diplomat that had befallen within this region.

They managed to sneak their way through the patrolling guards, successfully entering the main building without any problems.

"Remember, our target is the child" one of them reminded. The newer obstacle they're encountering now was the fact that the room they were in was mostly pitch-black, save for the floating glowing sword that hovering over their-

"Wait, why is there a glowing sword?" Another spoke. Suddenly, more copies of the ethereal blade appeared one by one, illuminating the room with its dark blue colors. As their vision became clearer, they noticed a singular, white-haired man standing before them.

"You should not have come here..." the man practically growled. Two ethereal blades materialized before him, before heading off and sealing the only entrance of the building.

"Our exit is gone" one of them pointed out

"It is just one man, we should be able to-" another was about to say, before his own head promptly fell off his shoulders. The rest of the group then turned back to the white-haired man before them, who seemed to be generating a repulsion field around him.

"Rest in peace..." were the last words they heard from him, before they were swallowed by the distortions of space being rended by the man's sword. Time seemingly stopped as Vergil plunged the Yamato through every part of their body, before it resumed again when he returned to his previous spot and sheathed the dark blade.

One by one, the intruders fell. Their bodies strewn across the room, clean cuts enveloping them. Vergil examined the bodies to see what he was dealing with, until a particular insignia caught his eyes...


"So they haven't left..." Ei muttered aloud, pacing around the room as Vergil watched her: "and they're targeting my little arashi..."

In the following morning, he had presented her the insignia found on one of the intruders. She was well-aware of the faction that held that particular insignia, and didn't seemed to worry as she explained that she was used to being targeted before.

And then she was put on edge the moment her consort explained that their offspring, Nero, was their desired target.

This wasn't the first time she's shown this particular behavior: one instance was during his birth when she instructed the guards to perform multiple sweeps around Tenshukaku, another was when one of their outings got interrupted mid-way due to bandits confusing them for a family of travelers... at least the bandit problem dropped significantly after that incident.

Perhaps being a mother for three to four years awakened something in her, given she clings onto the child when he sleeps. Despite how adorable it was to see her worry with such a motherly instinct, this may cause potential problems whenever she was handling Inazuma's affairs.

"You need to calm down, a clear mind will do you better" he spoke up, breaking Ei from her trance.

"I...I apologize" she recomposed herself, "it's just that I worry that he-"

"Will be fine, he has the both of us" he assured her, "I'm making sure he won't relive my own misfortunes"

"Thank you, for giving me those words of comfort" she sighed. She then nestled her forehead against his own, to which he returned wholeheartedly.


"Mama, Papa!" Nero exclaimed. The young child jumped up and down excitedly, attempting to awaken the sleeping parents off the futon they were currently on.

Fortunately, it was working.

Ei was already up to begin with, followed up by Vergil. The two watched as the energetic child slowly stopped moving in place, waiting for his parents' response.

"Well, what is it?" His mother asked

"Look what I can do!" The young child happily exclaimed. His hands were then positioned in a way one would hold a small ball, his brows began to furrow as he focused on achieving the accomplishment he wishes to show.

Although small, one could clearly see puffs of smoke materializing between his hands. Then there it was: a smal fire - enveloped in blue and purple hues - was summoned within the young child's hands. As the fire dissipated, it revealed to what seems to be a curved, two-pointed shuriken, with spikss protuding from the center. It was made of the same ethereal material as his father's own phantom swords, although Nero's own was currently about the size of his father's palm.

Still, this is only the first few times the small child has ever done this feat, especially at young age.

"I expected nothing less from my kin" The older half-demon said, the small child practically beamed from his father's praise. Once satisfied, he nestled in his mother's arms, falling asleep afterwards.

"Perhaps that feat took most of the little devil's power" the devil in blue thought aloud.

"Maybe" Ei said, before her gaze shifted back on the sleeping child, "but it's always a sight to see a child wanting more of their parents' love, even when they're already willing to give an eternity's worth for them"


AN: if anyone remembers what I wrote about in FanFiction.Net, then you'd know why Ei calls Nero "Arashi" in this fic.

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