Father's Pride

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The rays of light, a truth of meaning

To my father, the blood is pleading


Vergil was seen resting underneath the shade of a tree: if but for a moment, he would've enjoyed the small moment of serenity... if it weren't for the fact that a certain someone was stirring in their slumber.

A woman with dark purple hair sat contentedly on the half-demon's lap, all while her head nestled on his shoulder: she had her arms wrapped around his chest as she groggily opened her eyes, violet pearls staring into his own blue ones.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" She smiled softly, before deciding to nuzzle onto his neck: her demeanor kept changing the past few weeks, and if the small bump in her abdomen was of any implication, that was pretty much his fault for not being too careful.

She was with child, his child to be exact: at first, he wanted to make a break for it. But somehow, she had managed to convince him to stay.

The mood swings she exhibited wasn't that much of a concern, although he wishes the frequency of the lightning strikes had decreased. Instead, the issue was the fact that he had no clue on exactly how to be a parent: he often looks at the fleeting moments of when his father was around, oftentimes he'd wonder: how did he put up with him and Dante?

As if she could sense his little dilemma, Ei had placed a light peck on his cheek: the half-demon looked at her in surprise, but she only gave him a drowsy smile.

"It is an interesting thought... being a parent" she said, gently caressing the little bump: "give me any weapon, and I will be well-versed in it. But give me a child? Then I would have no clue what to do. The thought itself is scary, but at the same time, I look forward to it"

She then returned to resting her head on his shoulder, "I know we have no experience in raising a child, but when the time comes, I believe we'll be great parents, don't you agree?" She said, before finally drifting back to the realm of dreams.

Vergil was left to his thoughts once more: maybe in the end, she might be right. If his father could do it, then so can he...


Present day

It was night, and he couldn't sleep...

Vergil stared at the ceiling as he laid on the futon he shared with his spouse: at times like these, he would've just got up and take a walk to clear his head, if it weren't for the fact that Ei had practically shackled him to the futon by clinging onto him. As carefully as he could, he slowly repositioned his wife as he got out of her tight embrace, then carefully snuck out of the room without much noise.

As he wander around the halls of Tenshukaku and towards the entrance, his mind drifted back to an incident that involved the awakening of a little devil: he remembers that one particular pyro delusion had flown and assimilated into Nero when his dormant heritage became active; and when he asked Ei if it was possible for delusions to assimilate into their users, even she had no idea how that was possible.

Suddenly, A small, blazing fireball came hurling towards him: he summoned a large phantom blade instead since the Yamato wasn't on his person at that time, watching the fire dispersed into little harmless sparks as he cleaved it into two. Without a second thought, he threw the large phantom blade to the direction of where the fireball was thrown from, only to hear a squeal as it narrowly missed its target.

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