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Inherit the nightmare, surrounded by fate

Can't run away



Ei found herself walking in the nothingness, all that could ever be seen beyond the horizon is pitch-black darkness: she had no telling of what time it was, neither did she know how far she had been walking. There were times she could've swore she heard familiar voices, but they were too muffled to be heard clearly.

That was until, they managed to utter her name out:

"Ei..." they spoke: a mixture of voices that spoke synchronously, but each one was all too familiar to her.

"Makoto? Sasayuri?" She called out, no response: "Chiyo? Saiguu?"

She slowly broke into a sprint when they didn't answer her again: "this isn't funny! Please, let me know if you're there!" She cried out, frantically looking everywhere in the void she's currently in, until something she saw stopped her her from her tracks:

She saw them... but was it really them? She could vaguely see their silhouettes, but it was too dark to see. As she got closer, she notices that the silhouettes were merely just what they were: silhouettes.

The silhouettes suddenly turned as eight, glowing red eyes met her gaze, as if they were predicting what she was going to do. Before long, three of the silhouettes suddenly assimilated with the darkness, leaving the silhouette of the oni with her.

She watches as the last silhouette stared at her, before raising a phantom blade and suddenly went for a killing blow: Ei had attempted to conjure up the Musou Isshin, but for reason, the divine blade had not responded to her call.

By instinct, she dodged the phantom blade that poised to strike her neck, then she countered by grabbing her aggresor by their sword-arm, disarming them in the process as she equipped herself with the sword.

She then shifted to the offensive as the phantom blade severed the oni's horns, then made the silhouette combat-ineffective by severing its sword-arm as well.

Her adrenaline wore off as her adversary's howling pain became all too familiar, immediately rushing to the silhouette's side as the darkness that enveloped gradually faded to reveal a dying woman.

"Chiyo?! How..." she at a loss for words. Before she could say anything else, her friend spoke up:

"Why?" She asked her

"I don't understand" Ei replied, "what do you mean?"


"Chiyo please..."


"You're not making any-"



Ei woke up with a startled scream, finding herself resting underneath a sakura tree: she rubbed her eyes to double check if she was within the realm of reality or the realm of the surreal. Just how long has it been since she had these nightmares?

"Is there something wrong?" A voice asked: she turned to see a familiar white-haired man sitting by the tree next to her, his gaze shifting from the book he was reading and onto her.

"It is just a nightmare, I'm sorry for making you worry" she apologize, but didn't bother to go back from her sleep.

"I see..." Vergil said aloud, returning to the book he held: "do you wish to... talk about it?"

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