Together as a Family

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Tools of steel in rage they conquer

Weed out the killing of victims stalker


It was a night where the skies were illuminated, and it wasn't even the stars themselves who were responsible for this act.

A loud explosion echoed throughout the land, followed by vibrant colors that filled the night sky. Atop of Tenshukaku, the shogun watches as the fireworks flew to the heavens and blew up into such a mesmerizing display of colors, all because of the people down below who were celebrating the festivities.

She'd watch as the streets of Inazuma City be filled with stands of many kinds: whether it be food or games, people would flock towards them with their friends, family, and loved ones. Even from this distance, Ei could hear the sounds of the citizens' merrymaking emanating from over there.

As another firework lit up the sky in such a beautiful fashion, that's when she heard it: a shriek, an all-too-familiar shriek cried out from within her own residence. She jumped off of the roof almost immediately, and then darting into her home as fast as she possibly could.

Dangerous thoughts filled her head as she ran through the halls: how could she have been so complacent, even despite knowing there have been people who were after him?! As she drew forth her tachi, she vowed to remove the intruders before they could inflict any more harm.

Much to her relief, the room was left untouched by the time she got there, save for what seems to be a shivering blanket on top of the bed. As she slowly and carefully made her way to the aforementioned blanket, another firework had blown up, causing the blanket to suddenly shriek.

"Nero?" She called out as she slowly lifted the blanket, revealing the small child curled up into a ball: his eyes were red and puffy as his cheeks were stained by his tears, while his hands clutched tightly onto the sides of his head, covering his ears in the process.

"What's wrong?" She asked, only to get her answer as another firework had set off: the child quickly shifted from his curled up position and onto his mother, clinging onto her waist as if it was for dear life.

No matter how many times she attempted to calm him down, another firework would send him into a panic. She had to solve this dilemma soon, otherwise they'd be here until morning.

But how could someone show a three-year-old child that fireworks aren't- that's it!

With an idea formulating in her head, she carefully scooped up the young hybrid in her arms: Nero knew not of what his mother was about to do, only gripping tightly onto her kimono as another firework blew up.

He then suddenly felt the familiar crackling of lightning surrounding him: he wasn't sure why but it always comforted him, maybe because it was just his mom perhaps?

"Nero, look" his mother told him, gently nudging the three-year-old. As he turned to see what his mother was looking at, he soon found himself atop of Tenshukaku. And from there, he saw it:

A small, fiery light fizzled its way unto the sky, before it ignited with a loud explosion. However, Nero's focus was no longer on the loud noise it caused. Instead, it focused on the vibrant flames that lit up the night: the colors danced with such triumph, covering the skies as it took the shapes of beautiful flowers.

"It's so pretty..." Nero looked in awe, "what are those?"

"Those are called fireworks" Ei explained, as another one blew up in the sky. "They're often ignited for the festivities"

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