Chapter 9

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Duck down, bob, and weave, duck down, bob, and weave. I created a steady pattern that of walking that alternated between hiding and running. In my head, I tried to sort out an explanation for what had happened to me.

You see, while I slept after my unfortunate injury, my greater questions were subconsciously answered. Why did I know more than everyone else? Why did the position of the human race seem so out of place to me? Why did I feel caged, trapped?

It all had come back to me. My memories had almost been locked away somewhere in my brain. Aren's death was the key to unlocking it.

I had a twin sister. We were both raised by an evil woman named Magra. My sister used her powers to free herself. But what she did not understand was the dramatic effect her little curse had on humans, as well as animals. Now we were forced to pay the price of her freedom.

An anger boiled inside me. I wanted to kill her, to rip out her heart and crush it in my fist. But I couldn't. Not until she lifted the curse. Then I would have my revenge.

But as I sprinted down an alley way, my sister's fortress caught my eye. A sick feeling, bursting with emotion, came rolling over me. I knew I couldn't kill my sister. She had once been a good person, and I loved her. What was happening to me?! Murder was a thought that had never truly crossed my mind before. How powerful must this darkness have been for it to smother the bright light inside me?

The choice was mine. Good or evil? Light or darkness? I would have to decide soon, as the fortress was only a few miles away from me now.


At first it pained the witch to see animals possessing the wealth and riches that had once belonged to humans. The mighty metropolis was now in the hands of wildlife.

But she knew the humans deserved this. The witch hated almost all people, and knowing they were being punished for their sins comforted her. Punished for every time someone called her a beast, or an "it". For all the days Magra kept her locked in her cold, dark tower room. Of course, she made sure that the truly good people were living decently. Her sister, Cassidy, was among these people. After all, good people shouldn't have to be punished for what others did.

For about six years the witch watched the ongoing of the busy animal city from afar, keeping her distance from any curious critters.

On a breezy November afternoon, there was a knock at the witch's door.

Now who could that be?

Evidently curious, the witch arose from her silk settee and approached the solid oak door with steady precaution. She peeked through a tiny peep-hole. A young woman with light red hair and large, moss-green eyes stood there. She looked tired and malnourished.

The witch knew who she was immediately. She took a step back, stunned to see her twin sister. It had been many years since she last saw her.

Sucking in a deep gasp of breath, the witch opened the door.

"I know what you've done, sister," said Cassidy. A knife was playing about between her fingers. She looked at war with herself.

"How the hell did you find me?!" was all the witch could utter. Somehow this girl standing before her was different than the peppy, cheerful sister she'd once known. "How did you know...?"

Cassidy remained silent.

"Come in, please," the said, gesturing for her to enter.

Cassidy took a light step inside, shutting the door with a little more force than needed. A painting shook, then fell from the wall. It the glass coating shattered, making a loud crunching sound.

The witch ignored this.

"Why? Why did you do it?"

"You wouldn't understand," replied the witch.

"Oh, but wouldn't I?" Cassidy gave a nervous laugh, the kind insane people do when they're about to kill someone. "Don't I know EXACTLY how you felt? Wasn't that the point?"

"You were free," the witch whispered, a tear streaming down her cheek. "No one locked you up all day long! No one was going to use your magic for themselves. You say you know how I felt, but do you really? No matter what, you were free. Even when animals were hunting you. No matter how damn hard your life got, you were free!"

"I would trade my freedom for peace. For knowing that everyone I loved was alive. Freedom means nothing when you have no one to share it with," said Cassidy.

"You can't blame people's deaths on me," argued the witch.

"Can't I?! I just saw my best friend get shot, then fall off a cliff. And it wasn't just her. It was also my friend Abbus's wife, Tia, and so many more...And I was shot too!" Screamed Cassidy, revealing the hideous, swelling purple wound. "So don't tell ME I don't understand. For six years I've been hunted, starving, and suffering. I saw my entire "herd" be obliterated by animals. No, sister, I don't think YOU understand!" The knife was now pointed at the witch.

"Why has your heart turned so bitter against me? I never wanted to cause you pain. If your only desire is to kill me, then I cannot stay," said the witch. She turned away from Cassidy, her black dress trailing. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

Cassidy called after her,"But you have to change us all back!"

Without turning around, the witch muttered,"Because you would just love to see Magra lock me up again."

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