Chapter Five

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     All that time the witch never truly listened to what everyone else was saying.

"She's so powerful!"

"She can do anything!"

"The world could be under her control!"

   But now, when she was despairing the most, she understood. She didn't have to be locked away. She didn't have to be treated so badly. If the witch wanted to. she could change her fate. With one spell, she could set herself free. But how?

   Perhaps she wanted revenge. 

No, of course, that would be wrong. But still so tempting...

   There were so many options. So many spells. So many fates. How could the witch find out the best way to free herself? One wrong decision, and her one chance could be destroyed. What if she was never set free from this external, yet internal, cage?

   The witch's sister entered the room, singing and dancing as she walked.

An idea sparked.

   Why not switch lives with someone? That would do the trick. But it would come with a terrible price, having to enslave someone else. Just like her father had done to the witch. Just for a bag of gold!

   No, the witch could never do that to someone. 

The problem was, even if the witch no longer had to deal with Magra, she would still be an outcast, (seeing as she was a witch.) The witch just wanted to be normal. To live in a world where no one cared if she had magical powers. That, or they were too stupid to figure it out. The witch hated smart people, because they were the ones who enslaved her the most.

 And then the perfect idea hit her.

   "Yes," she said, smiling, "that will work."


Right about then the witcfh was suffering from a serious moral struggle. Though her plan for freedom was practically harmless, a lot of damage would still be done. You see, the witch's plan was to switch the roles between animals and humans. The animals would become smart and succesful, and live in houses and buy food at a store. The humans, however, would become dimwitted and their lives would consist of only surviving on their insticts, not thinking for themselves. They would live outside, and have to scavange for food. Not only that, but the humans would also become prey to the animal hunters. 

   It was a complicated plan, with almost too many flaws. But in the witch's mind, it was her only hope. Freedom was within her grasp, all she had to do was reach out and grab it. Still, she didn't want to be the girl who put everyone in that position. The power hungry witch who chose her freedom over others'. Magra's bonds on her were too tight, it was if she was daring the witch to break free.

   "Fool," the witch muttered. The guilt left her mind, and at the same time, her little, trapped, glass heart turned to stone.

   Standing up proud, the witch summoned all of her power, then focused her mind on what she wanted.

   A great twister cloud rose up from the ground and engulfed her. She made it spin faster and faster as the spell was almost finished. And then, with a loud crackle of lightening, the twister dissapeared.

    It's over, the witch thought to herself. I'm free.

She boldly stepped out of the shadows, leaving her old, crying, defeated self to sit in morbid silence. As the witch walked into the light, her handcuffs disappeared.


    If your mouth isn't hanging open with shock, then I have failed this chapter. Please tell me if I didn't, ;)! Since I feel like making you wait longer, I've decided to postpone updating and instead let you guys sit and wait to find out what happens next! hahahahahaha :)

                                                                                         Until next time,

                                                                                                    Bella <3

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