Chapter 20

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YB’s face changes from shock, confusion and then it dawn to realisation while I was staring at him like he just lost his mind.

“Let me get this straight” i started off “You don’t know your own bestfriend’s name?” i ask him slowly

“Don’t look at me like that” he scolded and then scratch the back of his head “I kinda forgot” he said

Again, I look at him like he’s crazy “you forgot your own bestfriend’s name?” i said, again very slowly and when he nods, i burst out laughing at his idiocy

“Oh My God” *laugh* “You’re” *laugh* “an idiot” i said in between laughter. Who the hell forgot their bestfriend’s name?

“Ha Ha, very funny” he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes

When I sobered up, “How the hell you even know him then?” I ask curiously

“I met him few years back in Juvie and we just clicked, you know? he told me his real name once before insisting that I should just call him GD, to make it easier, so after years of calling him GD and not hearing other people calling him by his real name, I started to forgot” he said

“Wait” I said “You mean, no one is calling him Jiyong?”

“Yeah, everyone at school call him GD, he even write his name as GD in exam, the perks of being rich I guess” he said and I nod

Suddenly his expression change to that of horror and he stared at me “You’re the girl he talked about” he started “the girl he love”

“Whaaaaaaaaaaa?” i ask confused

“I remember he told me there’s a girl he loves more than anything and he’d do anything to get her, anything” he said

“That can’t be me” I told him, chuckling a bit

“No no, I’m sure it’s you” he said “but if that’s the case, then you’re in danger”

I wave my hand in dismissal at him and he continues “don’t you find it weird? The boys, they said the same thing, about you being worthless, it’s like they were told to say those things and they quote each other, Mino quoting G, Hongbin quoting Mino, don’t you find it weird at all?” he inquires

I thought about it for a bit before saying “Nope” popping the ‘p’ “they’re just telling the truth YB”

“But...” he said “the boys keep on insisting they’re being forced to do it and they’ve been apologizing to you, I see their effort”

I chuckle “YB, they wanted to fool me again, don’t think too much about it, please, I don’t want to fight with you, you’re the only person I could talk to without having to get naked and have sex” I plead to him and he sigh

“You know I care for you right? You’re like a sister to me and I promise I’ll always take care of you” he said

I stand up and shook my head “Don’t. Never make promises you can’t keep” and with that I walk to the door and went downstairs, proceeding to my car and drive away.


I decided to just go to the club, good thing I already showered at Ravi’s and good thing I always brought spare clothing in my car.

I was drinking when something or rather someone caught my eyes. I only had a drink so I’m not drunk and I made my way to the person.

“Kwon Jiyong” I said seductively, enjoying it when he shiver when I call his name and he slowly turn around, smiling widely when he saw it’s me.

“Crystal” he said. I walk closer to him and his eyes widen for a bit before lust completely takes over his expression

“I don’t know why you’ve been hiding your name, Jiyong” I whisper running my hand up and down his chest and he gulps before answering “because I want you to figure it out yourself” I nod

“I thought I’ll never get you alone” he started “YB is always around and the boys and that retard Ravi” he said clenching his jaw

“But I’m here now, aren’t I?” I said to him, winking and again he looks at me which much more desire

“you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this” he said and with that he smash his lips on mine. Instead of pushing him away, I kissed him back and he groans when I started pushing him to the wall and kiss him harder. Somehow, I ended up being pushed on the wall and he started grinding on me and I moan which cause him to groan and pulled away, dragging me out of the club and to his hummer where we then continue where we left off.


I woke up to the sun shining in my face

“Ughhh” I groan and someone chuckle behind me and I turn around to see Jiyong looking at me, amused while I just roll my eyes at him.

Somehow last night, Jiyong drived us to his house where again he continue to show me how much he lust for me and here I am, on his huge bed with him.

“Are you okay baby?” he said and I nod “I’m sorry if I’m being too rough on you last night” he continues and I smirk

“No worries Jiyong, I like it rough” I said winking at him and his eyes darkened which cause me to laugh

“No” I pout at him “I’m tired” and he sigh, nodding his head, pulling me closer to him and I lay my head on his bare chest when my phone started to ring.

“Can you pass my phone?” I ask him and he nodded, passing me my phone.

Without looking at the caller ID, I answered “Hello?”

“Hey baby” Mark said

“Marky!” I squealed

He chuckle and said “I miss you”

“I miss you too babe” I said and at this point Jiyong snatch my phone away and growled at me

“What the fuck?!” I scream at him

“Who the fuck is Mark?!” he screamed back


“It is my fucking business!” he said “You’re my girlfriend” he continues and I look at him shocked

“What the hell?! I am not your girlfriend, You could have sex with me whenever you want, just like other guys, but I am not your girlfriend” I told him sternly and he throw my phone at the wall and look at me dead in the eye

“You are mine!” he growled out and pin me to the bed

“Let me go GD!” his eyes darkened with anger at this and he started to kiss my neck and grind on me, considering he’s wearing a boxer

I try keeping my cool and not be affected with it but overtime, I started to lose it all and moan while he gave me a satisfying smirk and kiss my neck.

“Do you want me now Crystal?” he whispered huskily and I nod saying “Please Jiyong” and in a second, he’s inside of me.

hey, don’t blame me, I’m as horny as Ravi is.

Horny teenagers.....

But anyways, since I haven’t posted anything yesterday, I’m gonna post another chapter in a bit, so stay tuned and happy reading!

Love, xoxo
-YJ <3

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