Chapter 3

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When I arrived at school, as expected, all eyes are on me, yes bitches, I’m back, but I believed they don’t recognise me, it’s been 2 years after that incident happen.

Stepping out of my baby, I went to school with my rayban on and my head held high, I heard boys wolf whistle and received glare from the girls

My mum make sure to pick up my schedule early so I don’t have to do it in the morning, I walk to my locker and waited few minutes after the bell rang to make my dramatic entrance... Pfft, yeah right.

Knocking on the door, I smirk when I saw all the boys are gaping at me but what makes my smirk wider is the fact that they are here, gaping.

“Hey sweetie, you’re the new girl right? Please introduce yourself” said the teacher.

“I’m cryst” i simply said

The teacher tsked “full name honey” she said

This is when I put my blank face and said “Richtson, My name is Crystal Richtson”

The class audibly gasped and I smirk when I saw that they’re all gaping, obviously surprised at me.

I bow and make my way to the furthest seat at the back and started txting with Mark when a paper landed on my table. I look up and saw that a boy I’ve never seen before smiled at me and motion me to read the paper and I did.

Hey, I’m Ravi, you need a ‘tour’ later?” is written in the paper.

I immediately knows what he meant by tour, well, i guess i needed it so I look at him and winked in which he returned by smirking.

Few hours later

It’s lunch time and I skipped 2 classes for a little tour with Ravi, in the Janitor closet, I gotta say, he’s good.

Heading towards the cafe, a hand grabbed me and spun me around..

“C?” he said

“Well hello there, it’s not nice to meet you but hey, I gotta go and how about I catch u never?” Hah! I’m so hilarious.

He gave me the dumbfounded look as I walk towards my heaven, the cafe.

“Cryst, Over here!” someone shouted and I spun around to see that Ravi is calling me

I walked towards their table and smile

“Guys, this is Cryst, Cryst, this is Ken, Leo and N” Ravi introduced

I said Hi and I heard a chorus of Hello, Hi and Hey.

“Hey Man, you skipped 2 class today, what happen?” Ken asked

“Ohh, that” Ravi answered, scratching the back of his neck nervously

“He gave me a little tour” I smirked “in the janitor closet” I added

“Ohh man, you got laid already? And with the school hot new girl? Damn you’re lucky” N said while i laughed

Ravi laughed and then suddenly stop. Scratch that, everyone is now quiet and I looked at them confused, but all eyes are on the cafe entrance but when I looked there, 2 boys that are ohmazingly gorgeous are standing there. I scoffed, already knowing that they’re the badboys and continue eating, how cliche can this be?

Suddenly, I feel presence behind me, and I looked at Ravi who’s sitting in front of me with his eyes wide open.

I spun around and there they are, the 2 guy from the entrance.

“What?!” I asked, annoyed that they’re interrupting my eating session.

The more attractive one chuckle, oh my god he’s sexy, but I’m not gonna show that. I give them my blank face when the other guy said “You’re different”

I snort and said “Yeah, I’m an alien”

They both burst out laughing “We like you, why don’t you sit with us?” at this, everyone, i mean everyone gasp

“No thank you, now if you’ll excuse me, I need to eat” I said turning around but someone lift me up and put me on their shoulder

“What the fuck! Hey put me down!” I said, hitting the guy’s back


What’s gonna happen next?

Love xoxo

-YJ <3

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