Chapter 31

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Crystal's POV

His grin widened when he saw my shocked face, slowly, he open his arm and I practically ran to him, hugging him tight.

"Oppa, I missed you" I said,

Given that I'm shorter than him, he kissed the top of my head and said "I miss you too my little C, I miss you too"

"How- What?" Jiyong said and we both look at his confused face

He composed himself and look at us, his expression hard "Why the fuck are you calling him Oppa?"

He glare at both of us and I realise, I'm still in Minhyuk's arm and I scramble away from him and walk towards Jiyong.

"Jiyong" I said, putting a hand on his chest and he sigh closing his eyes.

I look at Minhyuk and he looks at me and Jiyong, his expression show curiosity.

"Explain to me" Jiyong said, looking into my eyes, with sadness "Who is he to you?"

"I'll explain that, let's just sit down, I've travel a long way here Jiyong" Minhyuk said

Jiyong sighed and nodded. Taking my hand in his, he lead us to the sofa. He put his arm around my shoulder possessively when we sat down.

"Tell me hyung, how do you know my girlfriend?" he said and I winced a little when he call me that, but Minhyuk saw that and raise an eyebrow.

"We go all the way back, I told you I have a girl I considered as sister here, remember?" Minhyuk asked

"Yes, but what does this- Oh" Jiyong said, coming to realisation

"Crystal is that girl" and we nodded

Jiyong sighed in relief and smile widely and it's my turn to sigh in relief. Again, Minhyuk saw this and look at me with pure curiousity.

"What brings you here Oppa? How did you even know Jiyong?" I asked

"I wanted to visit my cousin" he motion to Jiyong and my eyes widen

"C-Cousin?" I stutter and he nodded

"Well, that's nice of you but I wanted to spend time with my girlfriend hyung" Jiyong said

"But" Minhyuk said "You've been spending time with her for more than a week"

My eyes widen. How the hell did he know that?

Minhyuk turn to me "I've met your boyfriend, he's a nice guy"

I paled "Oppa.."

"What boyfriend? I'm her fucking boyfriend!" Jiyong said standing up shaking in anger

I stood up as well "Jiyong, calm down, please"

I hug him, burying my face on his chest.

"I know you're not his boyfriend Jiyong" Minhyuk said again

"Oppa please" I turn to him, my eyes begging him to understand

"Hongbin loves her Jiyong, can't you see she loves him just as much?" Minhyuk said

"No!" Jiyong said

"She loves me, just me, not Hongbin" he said again, this time he grab me, putting his arm around me and hugging me tight.

"What the fuck happen to you?" Minhyuk yell

"Why would you separate people who love each other so much?!" he continue yelling

"She's mine" Jiyong yell

"She's Hongbin's" Minhyuk yell back

"Please stop" I whimper causing Jiyong to let me go.

They both stop yelling at each other and look at me.

"You love me, right?" Jiyong asked looking straight into my eyes

"Jiyong umm I- I, uhh" I stutter, pulling my hair frustratedly

His eyes narrow at me "Tell me you love me"

"Jiyong, I- I'm sorry" I look down

"No" He said

"You love me, that's why you stayed with me" he said

I shook my head, backing away to Minhyuk

"I did it for Hongbin" I whispered

"I want him safe" I continued

"Oh really?" he taunt with a sneer

"You do know I'd kill him if it means that you'll be mine" he said again

"Stop it!" says Minhyuk and it surprise me at how deadly he sounded but it surprise me even more that Jiyong eyes show one emotion that I thought he never had. Fear.

"You stop it Kwon Jiyong. Or god forbid I will make you suffer" He said, snarling and again it surprise me that Jiyong actually gulp.

"Hyung, please" he said "I just want her to be mine"

"But she's not yours to begin with, let her go Jiyong, or else you know what'll happen" Minhyuk threaten

Jiyong shook his head, fighting himself, it broke me at how broken he looks, but I want Hongbin, and it'll always be Hongbin.

Slowly, but carefully I walk towards him and hugging him.

"I'm sorry Jiyong, I wish I can love you that easily, but I belong to Hongbin, always have, but don't worry, sometimes, someday, someone would love you just as much as I love Hongbin" I whispered

He hold me there, close to him and cried while Minhyuk stare at us. After a good 10 minutes, he finally let me go.

"Okay, I let you go" he said reluctantly

"We can still be friends" I said, offering a smile

He nodded with a strain smile

"I love you" he said and kiss my forehead

"Thank you Jiyong"

So after few more minutes, Minhyuk needs to bring me home so we said our goodbye to Jiyong and left.

When I pass by the cabin's front door, I sigh in relief, finally, I got to see my Hongbin, finally, Jiyong let me go. Everything will now be okay.











Or will it?

After a few more chapter, this book will finally be completed. So after this story is complete, I'm going to work on my other book 'My mate is a he?!' but but I might do another book, after 'My mate is a he?!' or during it.

The cast would be the delicious men of Ikon!! Whew I can't wait, so stay tuned

Love, xoxo
-YJ <3

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