Chapter 16

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I shoved Gabriel off of me. He fell off the bed.

"No we weren't. We were uh just experimenting." I said as I thought of what to say.

"Yeah experimenting with your bodies." Jesse exaggerates.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes. I got up off the bed.

"Where's Gabriel?" I asked.

"Down here." He said and grabbed my ankle. I fell to the ground.

"You're an asshole." I said.

"Well you kissed this asshole." Gabriel said smirking.

"You kissed me first twice." I said holding 2 fingers up.

"Well you kissed back it's not like you said you didn't want any of this." He gestures to his body.

"When did I say that?" I asked. I know I did not say that.

"I uh don't remember." He stuttered.

I get up and went to the living room. I sat on the couch right next to Dylan. She bumped my shoulder with hers.

I looked at her and she mouthed "Did you get some?"

Oh god. "No we did not do it. Like he can get this." I scoffed.

"You wish I can get that." Gabriel said plop down right next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder squishing me against his side. I pushed his side to get away from him.

"Don't be like that Park." He pouted.

"I be whoever I want to be like." I sarcastically said.

"So Parker anybody at school you like?" Dylan asked.

Before the boys came here Dylan wanted to do this test on Gabriel about something. I don't know what it is but I'm supposed to say I like someone.

"Actually I do." I said.

Gabriel stiffed right next to me. "Who is it?" Dylan asked in fake curious.

"I can't tell you that can I? It's a secret." I said smiling.

"Friends don't make secrets." Dylan said.

"I guess it's a secret then." I said.

Jesse came back and plop down next to Dylan and put his arm around her shoulder. Jesse whispered something in her ear and she scoffs.

I laughed cause I know that Jesse likes Dylan but she's not going to budge. He's going to have to really impress her.

We all decided to watch She's the Man. I love that movie. Me and Dylan were just talking about that. The baseball team is apparently having tryouts again. So I'm going to help Dylan become a guy. So she can play the sport she really loves.

This is going to be so fun.

After the movie finished Dylan was passed out on Jesse who was also passed out. He has drool coming out of his mouth. Wow that's attractive. Not.

I was staring at Dylan and Jesse. I was thinking that they be a cute couple. My money's on them being together.

Gabriel's POV

"So Parker anybody at school you like?" Dylan asked.

There was a pause. "Actually I do." Parker said.

I froze. Who does she like?

Is it Jesse? No it can't be cause he said he has his eyes on someone else.

Was it Chris? Oh god. I'm going to kill that bastard.

Who is it?

I have all these questions running around in my brain.

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