JiHan -> _World

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For a few months now, Seungcheol has been hearing his best friend talk incessantly about the same boy, Hong Jisoo, also called Joshua by his friends, and Josh, Shua by his really close friends. The boy doesn't know the black-haired boy personally, but because of his friend, he's getting to know him a lot. Today, like every other day, Jeonghan talks about his "world", and his eldest is clearly fed up with it, telling him to shut up, The youngest sighs and tells his elder that he can't understand anyway, because he only has feelings for himself. In other words, he's clearly just told his elder that he's a bit of a narcissist, but Seungcheol takes it well, because deep down he knows his friend is right: he doesn't understand his friend, because he doesn't feel anything for anyone at the moment.

Just as the two boys are beginning to change the subject, the main topic comes up again, as this one has arrived at the self-service room, with a crowd of people at his feet, girls and boys alike want this young man, and yet he's nothing more than the other students, he's got good grades without going into excellence, he doesn't play any sports, he doesn't make any noise, he doesn't have any fuck-boy aura, no, nothing like that, and that's precisely what attracts the students' curiosity, he's a remarkable natural and the students love it.

Seungcheol sighs, he knows his friend is going to start talking about him again, but just as he's about to hear his friend speak, all he sees is tears on his face. The older boy panics and asks his younger brother what's going on, who explains that he doesn't stand a chance with Jisoo because they don't come from the same world, Jisoo is loved, adored, even idolized - the very definition of the word "popular" - whereas he's just the opposite: not loved by everyone, not adored by everyone, not idolized by everyone, and even less popular. Jisoo will never notice. Seungcheol understands his friend, and then an idea occurs to him: the youngest's birthday is today, and he can easily write an anonymous letter and put it in his locker or bag.

" It won't work, we don't come from the same world, we're too different. " Say Jeonghan sadly

" We all come from the same world and they say opposites attract so get off your butt and let's do it. " Respond Seungcheol...

After several minutes of thinking, they finally manage to turn a blank piece of paper into a paper filled with the little sentences that make up the letter, Jeonghan sighs, he's put all his feelings into his writing, but he finally doesn't feel like sharing it with his youngest, as he's about to put it away in his bag for ever, his friend clearly forbids him to do so, he invites his youngest to get up and then drags him to Jisoo's locker.

Just as Jeonghan was about to do so without having any choice, the main person concerned by the letter arrived, gently asked his elder what he was doing around his locker and the elder stammered an apology, then a happy birthday and then handed his letter without a hint of gentleness to his younger brother before fleeing.

Jisoo can't believe it and doesn't understand, he's received letters before, but never like this. It's new and he doesn't mind at all, whereas he usually doesn't even bother to read the many letters, this one piqued by curiosity he decides to read...

" Hong Jisoo, you probably don't know me and that's normal you and I don't come from the same world, it may sound strange when you say it like that but I mean it sincerely, you come from the world of dreams and I come from the world of reality, you have a very attractive personality and you easily attract attention on the positive side, my friend tells me I'm clumsy, tedious, hesitant and stressful at times. You see, we have nothing in common, and yet my eyes are constantly drawn to you. Ridiculous, isn't it ? My destiny is to visualize you only and not to have anything to do with you. I know for a fact that you and I will never go further than my dreams, but it's stronger than me every time you're not far from me I feel like a schoolgirl falling in love for the first time, then honestly it's a bit what I am because let me tell you that you're my first love, and probably the last because in all my life I only want to love you, if ever another person attracts me as much as you I'd be sorry. All this to say that even if our worlds are different, I feel things for you, I'm really attracted to you Jisoo ".

A gentle smile tugs at the corners of the black-haired man's lips, and he tells himself that he absolutely must find his elder so that they can start talking to each other and perhaps come up with something. Jisoo approaches the two boys and asks Seungcheol if he can have a word with Jeonghan. Seungcheol says yes and slips away, winking at his friend, so Jisoo and Jeonghan are left alone.

The older boy's cheeks are on fire and his gaze keeps staring at the ground. The black-haired boy thinks this is no problem and starts to talk about his feelings, saying how touched he was by the letter and how pleased he is to know the older boy's thoughts, then goes on to say that he'd like to get to know the older boy so that they can combine their two different worlds into one. In the end, Jeonghan is glad to have listened to his friend, for now he'll be able to get closer to his secret love, and his relationship with him may well move from dream to reality.

-> A few months later

The two boys have now become inseparable, spending all their time together, studying together, playing video games together, Jeonghan teaching his world how to play his favorite sport, basketball, and smiling at each other with every eye contact, every moment. Seungcheol was at his wits' end at first, putting up with the two lovebirds hanging around each other, but Joshua eventually introduced him to his best friend Chan, and the two have become inseparable.
Getting back to Joshua and Jeonghan, the two boys are currently sitting on an open-air basketball court, exhausted by their little match, but happy. Joshua comes to take his elder's hand and the latter gives it to him without any hesitation.

" Hannie hyung, I need to tell you something ".

" What's going on, Joshuji ? "

" My times spent by your side are truly the best and I can officially tell you that our two worlds so different were meant to come together, I can tell you now that I have feelings for you. "

" Oh, you do ? Boy, I'm going to have to thank Cheol again for that. "

" You know he's so preoccupied with Chan that he doesn't care about us anymore. "

The two boys burst out laughing and after a moment, they looked into each other's eyes and Joshua gently moved his head closer to his elder's, who moved his too, and their lips met in a soft, tender kiss.
Their two worlds were truly made to meet, connect and bond forever.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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