ChanCheol -> Mistake

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Chan made the mistake of loving Seungcheol, so why is it a mistake to love him ? Because the young man is already in a relationship and seems very happy with him, well that's Chan point of view.

The young man can't say it hurts him, even if he's honestly suffering, but he'd much rather pretend to be happy for his friends than be selfish and think only of himself.

Right now the boys are in the practice room, Seungcheol and his 《 boyfriend 》 are together, looking for each other, cuddling, chasing each other, having fun together.
Then the choreographer calls them to order. Time to get back to dancing.

Chan is usually the best performer of all, learning the moves very quickly and helping his elders to learn them too. But today he's not doing so well, he can't concentrate because every time he looks in the mirror, he only sees him with the other one. He can't even coordinate his movements with the others, he's not focused.

" Dino-ah, how are you ? You've never made so many mistakes in your life." The choreographer is worried.

And this makes the dancer feel bad, he prefers to run away. His two best friends, Joshua and Hansol, run after him. They soon catch up with the young man and decide to give him a hug.

" Why did I make the mistake of fucking loving him. It hurts so much."

" Chan..."

" Shua hyung, Bonon hyung, what am I supposed to do ? They're still stuck together and it fucking hurts."

The maknae gently falls to the ground, all his strength leaving him, Joshua accompanies him in his fall while Vernon stands with tears in the corners of his eyes. Seeing his precious best friend like this is the worst feeling for him.

" What's going on here ? Chan, are you all right ? Oh, why are you crying ? "

It's the voice Chan didn't want to hear, but expected him to come too, he's the leader after all.

Seungcheol gently asks Joshua and Vernon to return to the practice room, he goes to talk with Chan, the youngest yells that he doesn't want to but his two best friends also think it's a good idea for the oldest to talk with the youngest so they leave.

Seungcheol slowly approaches Chan, kneeling down in front of him.

" Chan..."

" Don't come near me. Go back with the others, I'm coming. "

" Eh.."

" Please, I'll calm down, it's just my number of mistakes that's stressing me out.."

" Dino.."

" It's all right now. "

" Lee fucking Jung Chan. You listen to me now. "

Seungcheol raised his voice slightly but kept it as soft as possible, to calm his younger's stress attack, the leader immediately took the youngest in his arms, rocking him gently and making sure his crying calmed down.

" I've made so many mistakes."

" Shh, it's normal Chan, you are not a robot, mistakes is human, Chan."

" I make too many mistakes in my life."

" It happens."

" But the biggest mistake of my life is having feelings for you."

Seungcheol is so surprised that he lets go of his youngest, who starts crying again and pulls himself out of his leader's arms, getting up to leave. The eldest regains his composure and runs after his maknae, soon catching up with him, he grabs the latter's arm and slams him against a wall.

Chan finds himself trapped between the cold wall and his elder's burning body. Seungcheol's hot breath hits his lips, making his heart beat faster and within ten seconds, he feels lips pressing against his own. At first, he keeps his eyes open and tries to push his elder away, but he has so much more strength than he does that he finally lets himself go into the arms of the one he desires so much.

His hands join his leader's hair, while his hands join Chan's ass, giving them a gentle squeeze that makes the maknae moan softly. The leader takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into his younger's mouth to explore the dancer's oral cavity. After this kiss, both boys are out of breath.

" How can you think loving me is a mistake Chan ? "

" But what about the back up dancer ? Aren't you in a relationship with him ? "

" How could I love anyone but you ? My eyes are essentially set on you, my heart belongs only to you. My brain thinks only of you."

" I can't understand why..."

" Because you're you, you don't try to change to please others, you fight body and soul for your dream, you always give back a smile, you're the funniest and most affectionate member. You're incredible and it's for all these reasons that I started to develop feelings for you and now I'm totally hooked on you."

" I really thought that you and this..."

Chan's sentence is cut short by Seungcheol, who has returned to kiss him a second time, the same kiss as the first, and the leader still has his hands on the younger man's ass. The elder steps back.

" If you must know, this dancer has figured out that I have feelings for you so he laughs at me every time my gaze falls on you because I act differently. "

" Really ?"

" Yes, I assure you and then this dancer already has a girlfriend and a child besides. "

" I'm not close to him, I could never have known."

Chan sulks slightly and Seungcheol laughs as he comes over to kiss his maknae's lips so that he stops sulking, this kiss is much more tender and quick than the first two. The leader has already stepped back, gently taking Chan's hand in his own.

" Are you ready to get back to training baby ? "

" Baby ? "

" Um, yes ? We're a couple so now you're my baby. Channie."

" I'm okay with it, Cheollie hyung." Chan blushe a little bit.

The two boys holds hands and start walking toward the practice room.

" Normally now that everything's settled I'm not likely to make any mistakes. "

" That depends if you look at me too much you'll make mistakes. "

" I'm going to concentrate on myself now that I know the truth. "

" Maybe I'll be the one making mistakes now."

" Why ? "

" I'll be far too focused watching my boyfriend's body move to the beat of the music. "

Chan laughs softly and shakes his head, the two lovers eventually arrive in the room and the workout can definitely resume in joy and good humor without any mistakes.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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