JiHan -> Teacher

420 18 58

Jeonghan, Minghao and Chan have been best friends for a long time. They're trying to plan a trip to the States, but well. All three are terrible at English...

" I'm going to burn these fucking books." Says the youngest

" Chan, your language..." Says Jeonghan

" I'm not a baby anymore ! Guys, I've got an idea. "

" I see the worst coming..." Says Minghao

" Can't we ask the American and his friends for help ? "

" Please don't, they're unbearable. Fuck them, I don't like them. " Says Jeonghan

" And then they talk about my language..."

" But no ! But in truth the least worst is Joshua..."

" One wonders why. "

Jeonghan's cheeks colored a slight red, it's true that since the start of the school year. The dark-haired American doesn't leave him indifferent, but considering who he hangs out with. It's probably a waste of time to try anything with him.

" Guys, shall we go to the bar and relax ? " Says Jun.

" That way, you'll get to see your gorgeous future husband danced ~ " Says Chan jokingly.

" Oh shut up, ask Seungcheol out on a date, then we'll talk..." Says Minghao

" Hey, by the way, I was basically saying that so they'd help us with English, but is Seungcheol any good at English ? "

" He's best friends with Joshua and Jun so I think so. "

" Not stupid, the deceiver, he must ask Joshua a lot of things in my opinion. "

The three boys laugh, then by mutual agreement head for the bar. Once inside, the three of them settle down at a table, order some booze...

" Oh look who's coming..." Says Chan

" Don't say that..." Begins Jeonghan

The three friends turn around and time seems to freeze, the three popular ones arrive like gods they pass right by our three friends and go to settle down on a sofa in the corner...

" I'm going to the bathroom..." Says Jeonghan

" I'm still blown away, their aura is so oppressive. "

Jeonghan gets up and walks past the three people to the bathroom. He sees everything spinning and starts to wobble, his actions and gestures going nowhere. A door slams and a deep voice rings out...

" Are you all right ? " Ask the voice

" I think-" Jeonghan starts but doesn't finish his sentence.

The black-haired man put his hand in front of his mouth and regurgitated all his alcohol. All this, on the boy who was with him in the bathroom...

" I'm so sorry..." Said Jeonghan

" Ah, you can't, my fucking clothes..."

" Sorry Joshua..."

" It's all right, go away, I don't want you in my field of vision anymore..."

Jeonghan takes off running. He returns to the two youngsters, who seem to be in a trance. Between Minghao watching Jun dance on the dance floor and Chan seemingly making eye contact with Seungcheol, we're not out of the woods yet...

" I threw up on my crush..." Jeonghan says dejectedly.

" Ah, are you serious ? " Says Minghao

" It's not my fault, poor him, I'm too stupid. Well, otherwise Chan, why were you looking at Seungcheol like that ? "

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