VerKwan -> Gaze

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Hansol is sitting on a bench in his school, his head resting on the shoulder of his best friend Jisoo, and the two boys have become fast friends because they can speak their native language and understand each other better than anyone else.

If at first it was just the two of them, now Jeonghan is there too, and Jisoo can't stop blushing, so Hansol tells his best friend discreetly and in english.

" Why don't you tell him you love him ? You can be the most beautiful couple in this school, if you tell each other's you real feelings toward each other's. "

" What about you ? With Seungkwan, do you think it's not possible ? "

" He doesn't like me, that's for sure, have you seen the look on his face ? No, he even hates me."

" No, Hansol, I'm sure he doesn't, why don't you try talking to him ? You're in the same class."

Suddenly, a clearing of the throat is heard and Jisoo immediately stops talking and looks towards his elder, who smiles mockingly and puts one of his hands on his younger son's thigh, the latter blushes even more and can't even react, his brain is in total dysfunction.

Hansol, fed up with being the third wheel, decides to leave, and it's time for him to get back to class anyway.

Once in the classroom, the teacher asks the students to stay at the back of the class, as there's going to be a new seating plan, and he's starting to get annoyed with duos talking too much together, so he prefers to change everything.

So it is that Hansol finds himself at Seungkwan's side, the American looking out of the corner of his eye as Seungkwan looks at him, his head turned towards him and his gaze analyzing all the other's physical features. Hansol swallows slightly uncomfortably and Seungkwan realizes that what he's doing is weird, so he stops and concentrates again on the mathematics.

He ends up getting lost and confused very quickly and starts to stress, so he stops and turns to Hansol. The American senses that the other is staring at him and it's stressing him out enormously, so he starts looking at Seungkwan too, who starts blushing intensely.

He tries to speak, but his sentences clearly don't make any sense; he stammers so much it's incomprehensible to Hansol.

" Seungkwan, breathe calmly, it's all right, do as I do. Breathe in, breathe out. "

Nothing calms Seungkwan down, so Hansol asks the teacher if he can take the younger boy outside so he can relax and get some fresh air. The teacher agrees without much difficulty, and the American helps the younger boy to his feet and out of the room.

Hansol decides to take Seungkwan up to the roof of the school, as the wind up there is cooler but also more powerful, refreshing the spirit and bound to do some good.

Once the two boys reach the top, Seungkwan finally calms down completely, his senses return to normal and he apologizes to Hansol for everything.

Hansol tells him it's all right, but deep down the boy is very happy, despite his concern for his younger son, because it's the first time he's felt so close to his crush.

" Seungkwan, do you need anything ? "

" This may sound really strange..."

" Say it always. I won't judge you, I promise."

" Can I have a hug ? "

Hansol smiles at the boy's request and doesn't hesitate for a second before giving his youngest a huge hug, the latter obviously takes Hansol in his arms in return and the younger takes a deep breath to calm himself, doing this plus Hansol's arms around his waist really do him a lot of good.

He pulls back slightly and his eyes meet Hansol's, his cheekbones tingeing red.

" Hansol hyung...your gaze is so powerful it's mind-blowing. "

" Yours he's so judgmental, it's scary sometimes."

" Are you afraid of my gaze ? "

" You may not be aware of it but your gaze is really oppressive and it judges easily it's very disturbing. "

" Sorry it's surprising I didn't want you to have an image like that of me, I'm not especially like that, when I know well I judge it's true but I didn't think I was judging everyone with my look. Sorry."

" That's okay, your look is part of you and you get used to it quickly, it's not disturbing, in fact that's what I liked most about you."

Seungkwan blushed even more at the end of his elder's sentence, then moved away from his elder and hid his blush with his hands, his heart wanting to leave his ribcage and his hands starting to sweat.

" You..."

" Um, yes I crush on you Seungkwan. It's strange because we don't know each other very well, but I really have feelings for you. I'm glad you're in my class."

" Me too, ever since you landed in our class, my eyes are drawn only to you and you never leave my mind. I think I have feelings for you too."

" Will you allow me to do something ? "

Seungkwan nods gently, then very quickly feels Hansol withdraw his hands from in front of his eyes, then when he lets go of both hands he places both hands on Seungkwan's cheeks and finally places his lips on the younger man's.

At first, none of the two boys are interested in each other until Seungkwan closes his eyes and places his hands on Hansol's back.

Their two mouths touch delicately and then come into closer and closer contact, a magical moment for both boys.

Seungkwan finally pulls back gently, his gaze drowning in Hansol's love-filled gaze.

" We'll get to know each other better, of course, but if our feelings are mutual, our relationship will be enjoyable and deeper than this."

" That's what I want with you hyung. A sincere and lasting relationship."

Hansol smiles gently and places a small kiss on Seungkwan's forehead what's certain is that the two boys will make this relationship last as long as possible.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

Thanks for the plot twist theangels_bambi ~

Thanks for the plot twist theangels_bambi ~

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