ChanCheol -> Creation

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Seungcheol is one of South Korea's most renowned designers, inventors and scientists. His inventions are always big and iconic, always perplexing but always interesting to watch.

At the moment, the boy is trying out a new invention, and to his amazement, it looks very much like a human being, and this frightens him, but he tells himself that he's been working on it day and night, so now's not the time to give up, so he drops one last drop on his invention and it takes shape. It even comes to life, becomes a real human being, and Seungcheol panics, abandoning his creation here and leaving.

As he begins to walk around his room, he senses someone following him, but when he turns around he sees absolutely no one, which surprises him enormously. He leaves his laboratory to go into the main room of his house, and even in his dwelling he senses someone looking at him, and even hears footsteps behind him.

The creator finally turns again, and this time finds his back pressed against the wall behind him, his eyes meeting the eyes of a stranger.

" Oh my god, you scared me, who are you ? "

" I'm your creation, you gave me life Seungcheol. Remember, it was just now."

The creation smiles mockingly, Seungcheol is totally shocked, his creation looks like a real human, in fact to his eyes it's a human, it has two arms, two legs, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, hair. He really looks like a human in his twenties.

Seungcheol swallows hard, then uses his hands to gently pinch the cheeks of his creation, the latter lets out a squeak of pain and a slight pout takes over his face.

His eyes begin to sparkle and salty beads roll down his cheekbones. The inventor is fascinated, removes the drops of water and smiles slightly at his creation.

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, it just seems so unreal."

" But it's true, you created me and gave me life."

" Plus you act like a real human being. You don't even look like you're one of my creations."

" But I am ! You told your boss one day that you'd be able to create humanoids, and here I am ! "

" What did I say ? That I had to call you what do you remember ? "

" Yes ! My name is Chan, Seungcheol. "

" Add the hyung at the end and it'll be perfect."

" You didn't give me an age. So it turns out..."

" I don't happen to be anything at all, I'm currently twenty-eight. Let's just say you're..."

" Twenty-four ! Isn't four years a lot of difference ? "

" No, it's fine."

Seungcheol smiles gently at his creation and gently pushes the other away, surprisingly even to the touch the creation seems to be truly human.

He shakes his head and decides to drag Chan towards his guest room, asking him to make himself at home. The black-haired boy nods and smiles at his elder as he takes his place in bed.

Seungcheol abandons his creation to return to his laboratory. He's already tried several times to create humans like this, but it never worked, so why did it work for Chan ?

He tries to bring his other creations to life using exactly the same protocol as he did on Chan, but none of his other creations come to life. Yet he's sure it worked for Chan, because the space where he was is now empty.

Seungcheol is confused for the first time in his career - he's lost with his own creation - but he figures a flat-share can only do him good anyway.

-> A few months later

Seungcheol and Chan have grown very close, the elder completely forgetting that his younger is his creation. In his eyes, the black-haired man is simply a human being and nothing more. What's more, even after several months and, above all, several attempts, no other creation came to life, as the product and protocol only worked on Chan.

At the moment, the two boys are in a store shopping for tonight's meal, and when this is done, they proceed to the checkout.

" Cheollie-ya I'm cold."

Chan clings to his eldest in an effort to keep warm, who, touched by his younger, smiles and removes his jacket to place it over his creation's shoulders.

" You really are a cute little couple. " says the cashier.

Chan blushes instantly and hides against Seungcheol, who smiles softly and thanks the cashier. They're not a couple, but it's true that lately they've been acting like one.

With the groceries paid for, the two men finally leave the store to put the groceries in the older man's car. He's surprised to see that Chan isn't talking.

" Channie-ya ? Is everything all right ? You're not talking ? "

" Cheollie-ya is it possible for a creator and his creation to have a loving relationship ? "

" Channie-ya... for me you're no longer one of my creations, you're a real human being, I assure you I consider that and everyone else sees a human being through you."

Chan nods and lowers his head to his feet, Seungcheol isn't pleased to see his youngest like this so he lifts Chan's head and makes the black-haired man look him in the eye.
Once their gazes are locked, Seungcheol smiles and places a tiny kiss on the black-haired man's lips.

The latter blushes and blinks, unsure of what to do, but when he realizes that he must also close his eyes and kiss his elder in return, he does so.

The kiss is soft and passionate, with both boys putting all their emotions and feeling into it. Seungcheol ends up nibbling Chan's lower lip, the younger boy lets out a squeak and the elder takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into his younger mouth.

The older man's pink muscle explores Chan's oral cavity without restraint, and the younger man can't stop moaning as this new sensation is so pleasurable and exquisite.

It's only after a few moments that Seungcheol steps back.

" Channie-ya, please become my boyfriend, it's unbearable since more week I only want your heart."

" I offer it to you too in reality I'm attracted to you sentimentally speaking and I was afraid it wouldn't be reciprocated because I'm your creation. "

" It's been exactly that long since I stopped thinking of you as my creation baby Channie-ya. "

Chan blushes at the nickname, but he's really happy to be with his creator in that sense. Whereas Seungcheol has never been happier to have created something.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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