Nightmare began.

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Inside my dream:
I saw my best friend in a car with a guy, and I thought he was her beloved partner, but I was wrong. I approached them to greet and hug her, but she looked very scared. Her partner looked at me with hatred, his eyes were very big, and his jaw was tense. I felt happy to see her, but the atmosphere was so tense and strange. Finally, the guy spoke, and he treated me very badly. He was very angry and wanted me to stay away from my friend. He said that I was the worst. I was perplexed and couldn't believe what he was saying. I looked at my best friend, and she showed discomfort, but she didn't say anything. She was just silent. I was breathless. Suddenly, they left quickly. The environment turned gray, then dark. I found myself in a hallway with the same atmosphere. It was so cold and dark, and the lights were terrifying. I was in a mental rehab center, and there was a hallway, a room in between, and she was there.
She was on a bunk bed on the second floor. She looked bad and sad. Then, a huge figure appeared, standing.
That's how my
I'm worried about my best friend's mental health. She convinced her psychiatrist that I was part of her disorder, her broken feelings, and her imbalance. I had a dream of scary shadow monsters that were huge. Her inner child is still attached to her adult self. The truth is her inner child is screaming for love and protection.
She was taken to a rehab center, and I saw her being taken away on a white stretcher, tied up and desperate. The psychiatrist hates me and believes her version of events. I'm the worst thing in her story.
It's the fifth time this year that I've had a nightmare, but it's the first one that involved my best friend. We haven't talked in almost a year. She has a partner, and they seem happy together. I don't want to get involved in that, but we've grown apart. I think I was the worst thing that happened to her emotionally. We met years ago, and she was always strange with me. Two years later, I found out she liked me as a partner, but I didn't believe it because she didn't tell me. We agreed to stay friends, but I always felt like she was waiting for She liked me as a partner something. She made some bad decisions, and I was always there to listen and not let her fall apart. But it became very toxic for both of us. I became anxious because she kept attempting suicide, and she had some serious problems. I was the only one holding her together, but I felt like I couldn't do it anymore.

We had a beautiful time together before living that moment that marked my intimate soul. My mind was stable. After that, I felt insecure, anxious, and super irritable. My body hated that guy. And my mind felt confused. It was like entering the world of drugs. Everything was super good at first, but when you hit rock bottom you feel sick and unwell. My emotional state and hers got worse and worse, and we drifted apart. My mind got sick to the point of feeling absent. I forgot everything because I was conscious of nothing. I forgot an extremely important date for her, her birthday (she broke everything), and she filled herself with resentment and hatred towards me and my partner. She swore that I changed for him, but she never knew that I was also physically and emotionally distancing myself from that man. My intuition woke up and I felt cheated and physically abused. I lost communication with my friend. I entered into a struggle with my instincts and my attempt to believe that everything was okay.

"Our friendship was based on saving each other. And that made me physically and mentally ill. This became something really harmful, but she was there in important moments in my life and I felt that I had to be there... but everything changed when I had my second relationship. I distanced myself from her because I really felt overwhelmed and this new person gave me peace. Everything was fine for a while, but then my life got messed up again when I had a bad experience with this person that really affected my mental and sexual life. By that time, I wasn't there for anyone."

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