
11 1 0

                                  When I was younger, I was battling with perpetual depression to the extent that when I was seven I had developed a resting bitch face. People always either thought I was zoned out, staring and glaring down at them or they thought I was always depressed.                                                                      I won't blame them, as a child I was playing dodgeball with depression, sadness, loneliness, and serious self-esteem issues. But I didn't want that, it's just that people in my life were either leaving, dying, or pressuring me.

" Avant can handle it, she's a big girl",          

                        " be more like her, she doesn't cry",     

                                              "why are you always so angry",     

                                                                     "Why do you always look so depressed".  

                                                                                              "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU",   

                                                                                                                           "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO SERIOUS"

                           Handle it? , It's been 8 years and I'm still not over it, 

                                 be more like her? Stupid, ugly, and annoying,

                                     she doesn't cry? How do you think I deal with my insomnia?

                                         why am I always so angry? , Why is it that all you do is assume?

                                                 why do I always look depressed? How should I know? 

                                                     what's wrong with me? If I had an idea I would have fixed myself.

                                                                   why am I always so serious? maybe it's the 













                                                                 ... I'm just tired

                                  But if you have experience trying to push down your emotions, you know that the longer you push them down the worst the outburst becomes, in my case after bottling all these emotions up for 8 years my poker face began to crack. At first sparse until it kept spreading, till I exploded in my last years of middle school.

  and oh oh oh I will not go quietly

hi my lovelies long time no see...

ofc it's me ya favorite idiot with too many book ideas, this will be based on both personal experience and others, so please support me as I write my first nonfan fiction book

... also please English is not my first language so forgive me and tell me in the comments about mistakes too

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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