He's here

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Jungrin's POV

I snarled at the girl that ran towards Jungkook engulfing him in a hug. I took out one headphone and kept on cleaning the cafe. I heard squeals and laughter so I looked up to see Jungkook just standing there giving her a warm hug as she just did the most.

I hated how MinAh thought she was all that when she wasn't. She didn't know him like I did. Don't get me wrong I love that Jungkook found a girl that he likes and that he can be happy. But it hurt to see my best friend/ crush being loved by someone else and not me. I kept on smiling though because I knew he was happy. It just really hurt to know that he worked so hard just to come see her instead of coming to see me. I don't mean to seem rude but it was true, why didn't he stop me from leaving Korea.

I was snapped out of my boiling thoughts when I heard my name being called.

I looked up and saw him running towards me. I took off my headphones and set it down to walk around the counter. As soon as I got around Jungkook wrapped his arms around me and swayed me from side to side. I smiled and hugged him back though I felt bad that he didn't really have the same reaction when he saw MinAh. I let go and patted imaginary dust from my apron and started to clean again.

"Hey Rinnie!" He said excitedly.

"Hi Jungkook how was your flight?" I asked not paying much attention.

"It was fine just wanted to see my Minnie, thats all," he said while pinching her cheeks.

My heart shattered into million pieces but I didn't show it. I shook my head and helped a customer with his order.

Before Jungkook got here I did most of the work because she didn't know how to do it, but she got paid more. It wasn't fair but at least I got money for my rent. MinAh got any guy she wanted so when Jungkook met her in Japan when I went to go get her Jungkook obviously fell in love. He didn't ask her out until march.

I snapped out of my deep thoughts and put back in my headphones so I wouldn't hear sweet nothings all day. I worked hard scrubbing the table, making the coffee, and just taking complicated orders.

My shift was done around 7pm but I stayed back to clean the cafe.

Jungkook's POV

When I came in the cafe I couldn't wait to see MinAh. Once I saw her I felt so happy, just seeing her in her work outfit made me happy knowing that she was working hard. I stayed in her embrace for awhile until I saw Jungrin. I never saw Jungrin this way before, her smile when she smiled at the customers. She was beautiful and I couldn't help but just admire her. I snapped out of my thoughts, I have a girlfriend its okay shes the one I should be with; MinAh.

*Through the day*

I watched as Jungrin clean the cafe, wiping sweat off her forehead at times. I missed Jungrin so much after she left to come here but I couldn't say.

I loved MinAh dearly, she was the first person I ever fell in love with and it seemed I couldn't fall out. But Jungrin she was always hard working and no matter what she always found time to come see me. I loved them both but something never felt right.

"Oppa!" MinAh squealed at me.

"Ne," I said almost blankly.

"Do you want to go now my shift was over an hour ago," she asked poking my cheeks.

I nodded and took her hand in mine and looked at Jungrin before we left.

Jungrin's POV

I watched them leave and walk hand and hand together. Jungkook turned to look in the window and we made eye contact, I looked down and started to mop again. No matter what he does he can make my heart race.

After I finished cleaning I took off my apron, grabbed my stuff and walked out of the cafe locking it.

I turned and bumped into 2 guys.

"Ah, Im so sorry!" I apologized.

"Jungrin?" One man said.

I looked up and looked at their faces. My eyes widened at the two of the men. Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin! My face flushed pink and all I could do was stare.

"Yah is that how your greet us after along time!" Jimin said.

"Ah miahne oppa," I gave him a eye smile.

"It's okay," Taehyung oppa said smiling.

The 3 of us talked as I walked to my apartment. I was so lucky to be with them, with 2 member of the famous BangTan aka my 2 best friends before I left Korea. We got to know each other after a while and that most of them grew. Jimin grew a lot he use to be shorter than me but no now I'm the shorty.

Our reunion ended after I reached my apartment in the middle of Chicago. We bid our goodbyes and I walked into my apartment waving bye again to make sure they know I will be fine. (Protective Oppas 😊).

Jungkook's POV

I saw Jungrin walking with my hyungs and my heart hurt. I ignored it and paid attention to MinAh. I loved the way she smiled but it seemed not to be the best to me. Everything seemed so different after I saw Jungrin, my heart swelled up when I thought about her. "Ahhhhh whats happening I love MinAh, not Jungrin," I thought to myself.

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