Heart break to heart ache

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Jungrin's POV

Jungkook stopped crying but he never let go of me so I just let him be.

"Oppa are you okay?" I asked stroking his hair.

"Why would she?" He whimpered.

"I don't know oppa, I don't get why either," I said.

"My heart hurts Rinnie," he sniffled.

"I'm here Oppa don't worry," I said.

As he hugged my waist I stood there in silence, questioning myself. How did it get this far in one day, why didn't I see it sooner. How come Minah; the one he loved hurt him like this. I pushed those a side and just thought that I need to be next to him so he doesn't feel lonely.

As he sat there I watched as people walk past and my eye caught one person out of everyone; MinAh. I thought "she has the guts coming here," but I understood.I turned back to Jungkook that looked back up at me, he smiled but then put his face back by my stomach.

Jungkook's POV

I heard the door open and Jungrin speaking.
I looked up at her and turned my head to see who she was talking to. My eyes widened and filled with tears again. I grabbed onto Jungrin again and buried my face into her stomach.

"MinAh what are you-" she cut Jungrin off.

"I want my boyfriend back," she said sternly.

"MinAh I told you to never talk to me again," I budded in, muffling my cries.

"Kookie please it was a mistake," she fired back.

I stood up and pulled Jungrin next to me.

"Was it a mistake to cheat on me!" I slightly yelled.

"Oppa please-" I cut her off this time.

"Do you know how much it hurts right here right now?!" I pointed at my chest.

She shook her head but I didn't believe her at all. I yelled for her to leave but Jungrin held me back and pushed me to the back.

I could hear MinAh crying then leaving the store. I closed my eyes as I heard the bell ring. A tear fell off my cheek onto Jungrin's hand. I opened my eyes and wiped off the tear that fell off of my cheek on Jungrin's hand. She wiped my tears and told me to wait here.

After she came back she was holding her stuff and told me to come to her apartment. I followed her out the door but before we got to the door she turned to me and put on my mask and held my hand.

Jungrin's POV

Before we left I put on Jungkook's mask and held onto his hand dragging him out the door. I swerved through people, turning back to make sure Jungkook was okay. After that I would look a head making sure that I was on the right street. When we turned a corner I stopped and asked for his phone.

"Give me your phone," I held out my hand.

"Why?" He questioned, handing over his phone.

"No questions," I said jokingly.

He chuckled trying so seem happy but I knew he wasn't. Then he waited for me to be done with his phone.

"I told your hyungs and your manager where you were, and if they needed you just come to my apartment," I said.

He shook his head and slid his phone back in his pocket. After he put his phone back he held my hand and gestured me to go. I blushed and covered my face with my jacket.

Awhile after we reached my apartment we walked up the stairs. As we reached my apartment I opened the door and walked into my living room. Jungkook followed behind and kicked off his shoes. I gestured for him to sit on my couch but he wouldn't let go of my hand. He squeezed my hand then let go and laid down on the couch.

"Jungrin..... thanks for always being there even though you're far away..." he said.

"That's what best friends are for," I smiled slightly breaking from my own words.

"I wish we weren't," Jungkook mumbled, I couldn't make out his words.

I turned to the kitchen and made some food, Kimbap and bulgogi. I heard muffled cries from the living room so I left the kitchen and went to Jungkook. His face was pressed up against the pillows and his fist clenched onto them. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned around and tackled me to the floor. He started laughing evilly and just sat on top of me.

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook get your fat butt off of me!" I laughed but screamed.

"No, you left me for 2 years your revenge starts now," he laughed.

"Yah, you just broke up with MinAh and you now want revenge on me not her!" I screamed loudly from being tickled.

"I need to get rid of my pain some how," he kind of said half heartedly.

"Yah, so tickling me is the best idea you got, jesus," I laughed harder.

"Fine, Ill stop since I'm hungry," he leaped off of me and sat back on the couch.

"Jerk," I mumbled.

I left to the kitchen hearing giggles from Jungkook. He's taking his first break up pretty well I guess. I hope can be happy afterwards, like actually happy.

Jungkook's POV

I couldn't stop myself from falling in love with Jungrin so I stopped resisting. My heart still hurts but I knew mopping around wasn't going to help. But I knew that Jungrin was the one I should've been with in the first place. But every time I try to push MinAh away my heart wouldn't. I loved her but she didn't love me back, heart just let her go!

I sat and waited for Jungrin to be done with the food. I got bored so I went into the kitchen to see what Jungrin was making. I walked behind her and rested my chin on her shoulder, she turned her head and smiled.

"What Jungkook?" She asked.

"My heart hurts and I'm hungry," I pouted.

"Your such a big baby, why didn't you get back with her then?" She questioned but she tried not to sound mean.

"Because she doesn't love me," I put my head in the crook of her neck.

"Okay what ever, go sit down I'll bring the food," she stated wiping her hair in my face.

I sat down while she brought the food. She brought over the Kimbap and the Bulgogi, then sat down across from me. I waited for her to eat first and that didn't take long because she dug right in. I chuckled and started to eat.

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