I think I'm in love!

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Jungkook's POV

Yah I can't fall in love, I'm in love with MinAh. Or was I? I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head they were stuck to it like gum. My heart raced with fear, fear that I will lose MinAh.

We reached the peer and V hyung got excited. He pulled me to the water and sat at the edge of the peer swinging his legs back and forth. I sat next him getting into my deep thoughts again. All these thoughts hurt my head so I closed my eyes and listened to the water. Until I heard familiar giggles from behind me.

I opened my eyes to see V looking the way the giggles came from. I turned my head and my eyes settled on a couple. It made me smile remembering MinAh. Until I noticed it was MinAh. She was with another dude and laughing.

I got up from the edge of the dock and started to walk towards them. V got up and tried to stop me.

"Jungkook don't do anything stupid," he aid pulling my arm.

"Let go hyung," I glared at him.

V let go and let me walk to them. As I got closer they kissed and made my heart shatter. My eyes watered and my heart ached at the sight.


"Jungkook!" She said in shock. "What are you doing here?!"

"How could you," I mumbled.

"Oppa its not-" I cut her off.

"How could you I loved you," I yelled, making a scene but no one around cared.

"I love-" I cut her off again.

"No you don't, you don't love me. I came all the way from Korea to come see you and I see you with another guy the next day! I worked so hard to get tickets for me and my hyungs. My body ached because I wanted to see you. Now I see you with another guy!" I yelled.

MinAh flinched and tried to touch me but I backed away. The dude next to her held her to his side and started to speak.

"It obviously wasn't gonna last long but now I understand. You played both of us, I see you used us for money," the guy said leaving her side and walking over to mine.

"Both of you hate me?" She asked tears rolling of her cheeks.

I stuttered to speak "I loved you MinAh."
"But I was wrong everything seems so clear now."

"Oppa please," she spoke quietly.

"No, we're through, don't talk to me MinAh," then I walked away.

Jungrin's POV

I opened up the cafe and set the keys in my bosses office. I put down all the chairs from the table and cleaned them. After I turned on the open sign. I knew it was going to be a slow day anyways.

I sat in one of the tables and waited for my coffee to brew. I heard the front open with a jingle and so I greeted them. I looked up to see Jungkook, flushed face and teared stained cheeks. I guess he saw too. I shook my head and walked over to him.

Once I reached him he engulfed me in a hug.

"She cheated on me," he mumbled against my neck.

"Its okay Jungkook, Im here," I said stroking his hair.

He cried on my shoulder but I let it be, he needed someone right now. For awhile he stopped crying but started again. I made my way to a chair and sat him down and let him cry. I was about to walk away but he grabbed my waist and mumbled something.

"Please don't leave me," he said.

I smoothed his hair and let him cry. I've never seen him cry this much before but it was his first love anyways.

For the rest of the time few came to cafe but barely came for coffee and so pretty much no one came to the cafe so Jungkook and I stayed in the same position. I guess no one came in because there was a much better coffee shop across the street but it didn't matter to me right now.

Jungkook's POV

I cried the whole time when I was with Jungrin, because her presence made me feel a little better. I couldn't stop crying but it seemed to me that Jungrin didn't care. I let go once in awhile to help a few customers but some just asked for directions.

I stopped crying but I just held onto Jungrin so she wouldn't leave me. I buried my face into her stomach and closed my eyes thinking about where it went wrong.

MinAh did always end our conversations or she never texted back until an hour. I always thought she was busy but not like this. I shook my head and held onto Jungrin even tighter. I could feel her tense but then she would stroke my hair. A smile crept on my face and I didn't wanna stop it from forming.

I think I'm in love with Jungrin.

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