Chapter One

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Waking up the next morning, I head inside and make breakfast. After setting the table I carry out two trays of Pokémon food and set them down in the feeding area. I head over to where Lance is still asleep and hop into the tree and settle down with my top half laying on him. I could get used to this, in a small voice I whisper, "I promise to protect this and everything we have." Arms circle my waist and pull me closer.

"I should be the one saying that."

"Well, can't have you being the knight in shining armor all the time." We press our foreheads together and bask in each other's presence. A loud shout rings out near the entrance of the dome and makes us freeze. Waiting for a few moments we hear a voice under us and look down to find Lorelei and Agatha under us.

"Maybe if we just lay here and pretend that they are not here, they will go away," Lance said.

"What? Is Lorelei trying to get details about last night?"

"Yes, she is boy love crazy. She does not show this side of her too much. Only people she knows well then hounds the guys she does knows that are gay, for juicy details."

"That includes me now, doesn't it?" Lance nodes and makes me curse.

"I know you are here Lance and Xavier, so just come on out and accept defeat." Before we could respond Agatha's Gengar scares us and the hammock flips. I hang onto Lance and Lance braces an arm behind me and holds onto the hammock with the other. We dangle in the air and Lance shouts for Dragonite. Dragonite flies up to us and grabs me while Lance hops onto it's back. After landing Dragonite lets me down, and Lorelei comes barreling toward us.

"What are you doing here Lorelei and Agatha?"

"You might want to add a few more to that list."

"Why?" Without a response Agatha walks back to the entrance and Lorelei drags me along with her. Lance pries her arms off me and put me on the other side of him with an arm around my waist. Walking inside to the living room Bruno, Koga, Mr. Goodshow, a blue haired female, and a purple haired man with a black mask. "Mr. Goodshow, Bruno, Koga it's good to see you again, and I'm sorry, but I do not know you two."

"That is quite all right. The name is Will, and this is Karen. We are the Elite Four of Johto along with Koga and Bruno."

"Oh, I did not know that you went from Gym Leader to Elite Four Koga congrats."

"Thank you, Xavier, but I should say congratulations to you for beating Drake of the Orange League."

We talked for bit before Mr. Goodshow started to talk, "I know you just got back Xavier, but do you have plans to go anywhere soon?"

"Yes, sir. I plan on heading to Johto soon to compete in the upcoming league. Might I ask why?"

"As Champion of Kanto, we need to know a general area of where you are, so we can get in contact with you."

"I should probably get a Pokégear so you can call me directly. Instead of relying on calling ever Pokémon Center in Johto."

"Yes, that would be better. Now I think these lovely ladies and Will needed you." Turning toward them, they smile, and Karen and Lorelei grab hold of one of my arms. "Now that is over with time to go shopping."

"Shopping," I ask. "Shopping, since you are the Champion of Kanto now it's time for a wardrobe change and the girls, Will, and I are going to help you. Now off to Viridian. We are going to give you a makeover, and you boys are not allowed." Before anyone could say anything, they dragged me out of the house and into one of the cars outside.

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