Chapter Two

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            The next morning, I found Helia sleeping on top of me. So precious. I need to get up, but I do not want to disturb them. After laying there for a few more minutes, I feel someone nibble on my pinky. Looking down I see Maren is the culprit, I twist my hand and rub my thumb under his chin. He coos in delight and allows me to wake up everyone else and get dressed. Once dressed I find Dad cooking breakfast, while Dad was cooking, I went out and feed everyone.
After breakfast I grab my bag and violin case before, I went outside to recall some of my Pokémon. "Kaida, Helia, Arrow, Lumi, Dante, and Luna return." After returning them I call Nexus into my hat and hop on Shula with Maren and Prism. I rode Shula down to Vermillion City and caught a ferry to the town before New Bark Town. We spent two days on the ferry before docking in a small town before New Bark Town. When we land, I made my way to New Bark Town on foot. While walking, a mist starts to cover everything. Suddenly Prism and Maren ran off and I followed them, only to find a blue-like Pokémon standing on a grass patch in the middle of a small lake. Before it could get away, I pulled out my camera and snapped a quick picture. I look up again and see that the Pokémon has disappeared.
Looking at the picture, I only see a blue silhouette in the picture. "Man, I hoped the camera would get a clear image of it." I headed back to the path and the fog lifted. Entering New Bark Town, I headed to Professor Elm's lab, the head Professor in Johto. At the entrance of Professor Elm's lab, a horde of police officers at the entrance. "Officer what's the problem?"
"Nothing you need to worry yourself with." Before I could respond Officer Jenny walked up, "Let him through. He'll be able to help."
"Thanks Officer Jenny, so what's the situation here?" "Someone stole a Totodile that was meant for a beginner trainer." We entered the lab and found Professor Elm and Nurse Joy talking. "I was so buried in my work that I did not even see it was you."
"Don't blame yourself Professor," said Nurse Joy.
"Hello, Professor Elm."
"Huh, who are you?"
"My name is Xavier. I come from Pallet Town in Kanto. Professor Oak said that it would be great to see you."
"Wait Xavier as Xavier Loveless the Champion of Kanto?"
"Yes, sir. Officer Jenny has anyone seen anything in the immediate area?"
"No, we have asked around and we are searching everywhere as we speak."
"Excuse me, Officer Jenny we did not find any fingerprints, but we did make a plaster mold of some footprints." Officer Jenny sent out Growlithe to get the scent off the plaster. Growlithe runs off and Officer Jenny and I run after it. Entering the park, we find Team Rocket or more specifically, Team Rocket. At the end of Jessie's hair is Totodile, "You three crocks hand over that Totodile."
After their motto, Jessie shuck her head and sent Totodile flying. I caught Totodile, and I sent Maren and Prism to attack, "Maren hydro pump, Prism shadow ball." "Growlithe flamethrower." The attacks hit and sent Jessie, James, and Meowth flying. "At least Totodile is safe now." Nodding we head back to the lab and give back Totodile to Professor Elm. "Thank you both for getting back Totodile."
"Of course, but Officer Jenny did find the ones that stole Totodile." I leave the lab and head on over to the Pokémon Center to register for the Johto League. Giving Nurse Joy my Pokédex she registered me for the league, then handed me my Pokédex and a guidebook for the league. She directed me to Violet City for my first badge. I stayed the night and plan to leave the next day for Violet City. Before I settle down for the night I go through town and buy a plain black metal badge case.
The next day I head for Violet City. While on the road, I enter a valley and find a Donphan. "A Donphan, you don't find them out in the wild like this."
"That's because that's my Donphan." Turning around I see a girl standing behind me. "No wonder there is a Donphan out here. If you do not mind, what are you doing out here? Also, the name is Xavier."
"Just a bit of training and looking for some stones. Rachel." Nodding, we parted ways, and I headed out. After an hour of walking through the valley, I met Rachel again. "Hey, Rachel what's wrong."

"Have you seen my Donphan?"
"No, does it usually run off?"
"Not really. Will you help me look for it?"

"Of course, where was the last place you seen Donphan?" Rachel led me to a rocky area where there are other Donphan. We start to look around and find Team Rocket with a Donphan. "Donphan!"
Jessie and James send out Arbok and Weezing. "Helia come on out and use flamethrower." Helia blast Arbok and Weezing with a powerful flamethrower. Helia knocked them back into Jessie and James, and I had my Pokémon attack. "Maren blizzard, Prism thunder, and Helia flamethrower once more." Team Rocket went flying off and Donphan ran over to Rachel. Helia was surrounded by a blue light and once it died down Helia evolved into a Charmeleon. "Amazing Helia you evolved." Helia jumped into my arms and knocked me over.
Petting Helia, I return her and see if Donphan is all right. "Donphan is all right. Thanks for getting Donphan back."
"Of course."
"Would you like to see what Donphan can do?"
"Like in a Pokémon battle?"
"No, follow me." Following Rachel, she led me to where her other Donphan were and showed her necklace to one of them. After sniffing the necklace Donphan started to sniff around and hit the side of the rocky wall. A piece of rock fell, and Rachel picked it up and showed me a gem on the other side of the rock. "This here is Amberite and my Donphan can find it after some training."
"Amazing, I was wondering if I could get a small piece of that. I'll pay of course."
"After what you did for me, you can have a piece from some of the ones that I have collected. Amberite comes in many colors for what colors are you looking for?"
"Red and black. I want to get it turned into an earring and give it to two special people."
"How sweet let's go and see what we can find." After looking through it she found a small piece of red Amberite and two small pieces of black Amberite. Thanking her she gives me directions to a jeweler that she has sold too and says that he can shape the Amberite for me. It took me two days of traveling but I found the jeweler and asked him if he could shape the red Amberite into a simple dragon curled into itself and the black Amberite into two treble clef note and all of them into earrings. He said yes and I waited for two more days before they were ready. Thanking and paying for his services I sent the two music notes to Lance and Rudy and put the red one into my own right ear.

1252 words

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