Chapter Six

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After being on the road for a few days, we came across the entrance to Onix Cave. Inside the cave I find a multitude of Onix's lying about and sleeping. Further in a Steelix was lying in the middle of the road and blocked me from getting any further. Before I could try to get any further the Steelix woke up and attacked. "Alright Maren use hydro pump." Maren unleashed the hydro pump and pushed back Steelix. "Blizzard Maren." Maren froze the water on Steelix, "Prism slash." Prism attacked Steelix and knocked it down. I throw a Pokéball at Steelix and wait for it to ding. After three shakes it dinged, and I caught myself a Steelix.

"Let's get a move on Maren, Prism. We need to stop at a Pokémon Center soon." Exiting the cave, we found the nearest town and stopped at the Pokémon Center. After handing Nurse Joy Steelix's Pokéball, I think about what Lance said about Rudy. Through the many e-mails we have sent each other I have noticed the consistent flirting, but I don't want to betray Lance. Now I'm told he would not mind if I had another, but I would love them both equally. Once I got Steelix back, I headed out and hit the roads again. When night sets in and we stop for the night; after feeding everyone I take time to give a nickname to Steelix, and with Steelix being a female she decided on Silver.

"Steelix how about the nickname Silver. From your silver coloring." Steelix came over and lifted me up onto her head. "I will take that as a yes. The night sky looks beautiful, doesn't it guys? I think I will call Rudy and give him my answer." Silver laid down and Maren, Prism, Lumi, and Amp gathered around me on top of Silver and the others gathered where they can. Taking a deep breath I call Rudy, "Hello." Oh, Mahri answered. "Mahri it's Xavier. Is Rudy available?"

"Hi Xavier. Give me one minute and I can get Rudy." I sit there and wait as Mahri gets Rudy. Before I could get lost in my thoughts, I heard Rudy's voice. "Hello Xavier."

"Hey Rudy, how has it been?"

"Great. Xavier, I know that you have talked to Lance, and I know this is sudden, but do you have an answer?"

"Yes, and as for my answer. Yes, I will, and I'll try to call as much as I can, especially since I have a Pokégear now and can call on the road."

"I hope I can see you soon."

"The Johto League is months away, but when it's time for it, maybe you can come and watch me?"

"Definitely," The night went on and Rudy and I talked for hours. Near midnight we say goodbye. "Call soon Xavier."

"I will. Goodnight, Rudy."

"Goodnight, Xavier and love you."

"Love you too." Hanging up my heart swells, to think that I actually have two people who love me for who I am. All the kids in Pallet Town never liked to get close to me and all the older ones never understood me. They all said I was weird for being too mature and the parents never liked me either. They did not think I could hear them, but I heard everything. It only got worst after Mom died, but that did not stop me, and it will not stop me now. I have my Pokémon, Lance, Rudy, and Dad to ground me, and to not live in the past.

The next morning, we had breakfast and I packed everything up. Once returning everyone but Maren and Prism, I was about to grab my bag, but I found it missing, thankfully my violin was still there. After looking around it is nowhere in the area. I head down the road and have Maren and Prism looking around, Maren signals me over and we find a set of Pokémon footprints. Following the footprints, they lead me to an abandoned warehouse and Nurse Joy is back here as well. "Nurse Joy what is wrong?"

"I set my grocery down and when I turned around my ham was gone. I went looking around and only found the wrap left. What are you doing back here?"

"My bag was taken, and footprints lead up to here. Have you seen anything?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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