Chapter Four

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In Violet City, I wasted no time and rushed to the gym. Entering the gym one of the students lead me to an elevator and pressed for the roof. On the roof was a battlefield, a row of students off the side, and the gym leader standing at the other end. "The name is Falkner, and I am the Violet City Gym Leader."
"And I'm Xavier and I challenge you to a gym battle."
"The official Johto League battle between Xavier the challenger and Falkner the Violet City Gym Leader will now begin. At stake is the Zephyr badge. Each will use three Pokémon begin the match when ready."
"Alright Hoothoot come on out."
"Maren lets go. Now use hydro pump."
"Dodge Hoothoot and then use tackle." Maren unleashed a hydro pump, but Hoothoot dodged and dived toward Maren. Jumping to the left, I have Maren use rain dance, then acid armor. Once Maren disappeared, he got as close as he could and use blizzard. A strong wind of snow blasted behind Hoothoot and knocked it across the field, knocking it out. "Hoothoot is unable to battle Vaporeon is the winner."
"Hoothoot return Dodrio you are up."
"Maren come back Prism your turn." The rain stopped and Falkner started off with agility. Prism dodged and used slash. Falkner ordered Dodrio to jump up and use tri attack, "Thunder Prism." Prism leaped under Dodrio and unleashed a thunder attack and finished off Dodrio. "Dodrio is unable to battle. Gym Leader, please send out your last Pokémon."
"Pidgeot time to battle."
"Prism return. Alright Helia as promised." Once on the battlefield Helia let out a mighty roar, looking ready for battle. "Pidgeot let's start off with wing attack."
"Dodge Helia and use fire fang." Flying up, Helia dodged the wing attack and bite down on Pidgeot's wing using fire fang. "Pidgeot use whirlwind."
"Dodge and use flamethrower." Helia flew behind Pidgeot and blasted a flamethrower at Pidgeot. "Finish this with one more flamethrower." "Dodge Pidgeot." The flamethrower hit and knocked Pidgeot out with one last flamethrower. "Pidgeot is unable to battle. The victory goes to Charizard."
"Thanks to all three of you." Our first victory in Johto. Now to keep training, so we can beat the other seven gyms and enter the league.
"That was a great battle. Here the Zephyr Badge."
"Thanks." Leaving the Violet Gym, I healed up my Pokémon and stayed the night in Violet City. While in my room, I read over the guidebook and I saw that Professor Oak was right, I can head to Azalea City from here and get my second badge there. After a hot bath I get ready for bed and head out the next day.
The sun is high in the sky, and I'm getting hungry, "Okay let's stop for some lunch how does that sound?" Maren and Prism ran off the path and found a nice, little hill to sit down on. I bring everyone out, I fix a small lunch and we all dig in. While we were eating a Mareep, with a pink bow and bell tied around its neck, appeared, and nuzzle against Lumi, "Ahh Lumi you made a friend." Soon though a flock of Mareep showed up and surrounded Lumi, "Lumi." I enter the flock of Mareep and pull Lumi out from the middle; a girl arrives and has the first Mareep make the others go back home. "I'm so sorry about that."
"It's quite alright; the name is Xavier."
"I'm Marie, and this is Fluffy."
"It's mommy." Mommy must be her mother. "Marie you better get to the house. Raichu made sure Mareep got back to the corral. Why don't you come to the house for a cup of tea?"
"That is much appreciated, I'm Xavier."
"I'm Marie's mother." Following them to a little cottage Marie's mother hands me a cup of tea and starts to speak, "I am so sorry about the Mareep. They just love electricity and go near any electric Pokémon they can."
"It's quite all right. Just gave us the scare when all the Mareep showed up at once."
"But I have a feeling that you have been daydreaming about Pokémon battles again, Marie."
"I just took my eyes off them for a second."
"I told you are supposed to keep your mind on those Mareep."
"But Mom the festival starts next week."
"If you don't mind me asking what festival?"
"Oh, it's a big event. There are rides and shows and all kinds of competition. For as long as anyone remembers the Mareep in our valley have given us the best wool in the word and every year we have the festival to honor the Mareep."
"Mind if I stay to watch the festival?"
"Not at all and there are also, Mareep judging and Pokémon battles."
"Think I could enter?"
"Sorry, but only people who live in the valley can enter."
"Well, I guess you can't enter them all. I hoping to give Sentos some more experience before getting to Azalea Gym."
"Azalea Gym? If you are going to the Azalea Gym that means you are looking to enter the Johto League," said Marie.
"I am. It has not been that long since I came from Violet City and won the Zephyr badge."
"Wow that is awesome I want to learn how to battle too. Mommy can I enter the Mareep festival Pokémon battle, and battle Pokémon like Xavier does?"
"You may not." Marie then asks why, "I have told you before you are too young, and you're just not ready for battling yet. If you still have trouble handling your Mareep out in the fields, how are you going to handle them in a battle?"
"But I..."
"Marie the festival is only five days away and you still have plenty of work to do. You need to stop dreaming of battling and concentrate on getting the Mareep ready for the contest."
"I could help if you don't mind."
"Oh, thank you we could certainly use all the help we can get." Once outside I send out Lumi and we gathered the grazing Mareep. One by one I helped check the Mareep's electricity and brushed out the Mareep's wool. Near the end of the day, I found Marie Fluffy practicing their thunder shock.
"That is quiet the powerful thunder shock you got."
"We have been practicing."
"And it shows how much you have. It's Fluffy right?"
"Yes, I have raised Fluffy since it was a tiny Mareep, and we have been training for a long time. Haven't we Fluffy?" Fluffy nodded and I can see all their training has paid off.
"You both should be really proud."
"Xavier....could I ask for a favor?"
"Of course, what do you need?"
"Will you battle us with your Jolteon? You see Fluffy and I have never been in a Pokémon battle before. Please Xavier."
"How can I say no to that. You want to get stronger, and I will respect those wishes."
"Oh, thank you." We move away and stand apart with our Pokémon in front of us. "Okay ready when you are."
"Alright I choose you Fluffy. Fluffy use headbutt."
"Dodge Lumi and use swift." "Growl Fluffy." Fluffy used growl and lowered Lumi's attack and while dodging Lumi's swift attack? "Use thunder Lumi."
"Thunder shock Fluffy." The attacks collided, but Lumi's energy was draining fast. "Stop Lumi and dodge."
"Great just keep it up we are winning. Fluffy stronger now, turn up the power." Wait Fluffy, "Marie no." Fluffy tripped and collapsed on the ground. "What happened? Fluffy you have to get back up."
"Fluffy just used up its energy while attacking. A little bit of rest will help."
"Why did you tell Lumi to stop attacking?"
"Lumi would have been exhausted, and she has been using her energy all day to help with the Mareep."
"I only thought about winning. Fluffy was doing such an excellent job and it looked like we were ahead, and I wanted to win the battle so much that I forgot about Fluffy. I thought I was just being tough like a Pokémon trainer should be. Poor Fluffy I'm sorry."
"It's not bad to be tough, but you need to know when enough is enough. Your Pokémon love to win because they love to win for their trainer. Just remember to love your Pokémon."
"I will."
"Why don't we wash up and get ready for dinner." After washing up we settled down at the table and dug in, but Marie was not there. Once dinner was over, I helped wash dishes and settled down in the extra bed they had.
A light was turned on and I see Marie's mother standing under a lantern, "I'm so sorry to wake you, but we need your help." Lumi woke up and we quietly walked out the room so not to disturb Maren and Prism. Once out we gathered the Mareep and Raichu lead us up a mountain toward a storm. "A good electrical storm gives us a chance to get the Mareep in top condition by letting them take in lots of electricity to help their fleeces and get them all charged up for the festival."
"That is a good strategy."
"Stay away from the edge." Ducking back from the lighting, we watch as the Mareep gather the lighting and one by one their coats fluff up. After the storm cleared, we gathered the Mareep up and put the Mareep back in their corral. "Thanks for everything."
The morning of the festival Marie's mother gave Marie a Pokéball. "My Grandmother gave me this Pokéball. I think it will help you better than it will help me." Once at the festival we headed over to the small battlefield they had and watched Marie battles. "I can't help but want a Mareep for myself."
"I think I can help you with that."
"Oh, how? Most of the Mareep belong to people."
"A friend of mine has a Mareep that loves to battle, but he is not a Pokémon Trainer and the Mareep is too energetic for the rest of the flock. So, she is trying to find a trainer that will take Mareep, but also take care of it how it's supposed to."
"Do you know where I can find your friend?"
"Of course, after Marie is done. We can head over to her stall. She always sets up a stall every year to find Mareep a trainer." We watched battle after battle and Marie won the competition. Marie joined us and her mother praised how well she did. Congratulating Marie, we headed to her friend's stall and find an older woman with a wild Mareep run around. "Mareep will you please calm down."
"Hello Willow."
"Hey. I heard you let Marie compete this year."
"I did, and I can't be prouder."
"Congrats Marie."
"Thank you."
"So, what brings you over here? I don't usually see you till later."
"I found someone that could take that energetic Mareep off your hands. This is Xavier, a Pokémon Trainer. He has helped us for the past five days with our Mareep."
"Really you would take care of Mareep and train it to become strong?"
"Yes ma, am. I'll take the upmost care of Mareep, and we'll have many battles and battle in the Johto League."
"Oh, so you plan on battling in the Johto League. How many badges you got so far?"
"Only one, but I have not been in Johto for long about three weeks now. I'm originally from Pallet Town in Kanto."
"So that means you have competed in the Indigo League, correct?"
"Yes, ma, am."
"What did you place?"
"Wait you won the Indigo League?" Looking beside me, I can see the shocked looks of Marie and her mother. "Yes, ma, am. You can trust me with Mareep. I'll take diligent care of it."
"Well, you did bring an excellent trainer to take care of Mareep. I'm trusting you with it." I approached Mareep and crouched down to its level, "Would you like to come with me Mareep and travel around different kinds of regions?"
"Mareee." Jumping into my arms, I take that as a yes. Capturing Mareep. I say thanks one more time and I head out toward Azalea Town.
On the way to Azalea Town Sentos evolved into Bayleef, and I nicknamed Mareep Amp and learned that it is a she. While walking around Maren and Prism became defensive and a streak of red shot by. Getting ready for battle, s Scizor appeared in front of us ready for battle. I make the first move this could go wrong, "You don't see wild Scizor often. I wonder if this one has a trainer?"
"I'm that trainer." The Scizor jumped back and bowed down beside an elder man in old Japanese clothing. "I am the Pokémon trainer Muromasa, and this is Masamune my Scizor. I'm impressed with both you and your Pokémon. You are just the sort of trainer I have been looking for." Following Mr. Muromasa, he brings me to a large compound and inside the courtyard are many different trainers working out with their Pokémon. "Welcome this is my Elite Pokémon Training Center. Young trainers from all over the world come here to strengthen themselves and their Pokémon. All I ask is that they work diligently to accomplish their dreams of being victorious in their Pokémon battles." The trainers and Pokémon stop and bow to Mr. Muromasa, "Teacher good morning."
"Thank you continue your training please."
"Yes, teacher." We go off to the side of the compound and I enter a room after pulling off my shoes, then one of the students here greets me, "Good morning. Welcome to our school."
"Thank you for welcoming me. Mr. Muromasa must be a very accomplished Pokémon Trainer especially with so, many students coming here to learn from him."
"You wouldn't believe how many Pokémon battles Mr. Muromasa won back in his day. He was one of the top trainers ever, but after winning so much he decided to pass on what he knew to young trainers so that they could become Pokémon Masters. But he is not the only impressive one. His Scizor Masamune is an awesome Pokémon it moves so fast that they use to call it the Crimson Streak."
"The Crimson Streak. An appropriate title for a Scizor."
"It used to be." Off to the side a boy with purple hair stood and a laptop under his arm.
"Don't say that" the boy who greeted me said.
"That is Shingo my top student. Perhaps you can interest him in a Pokémon battle."
"A battle, okay so how about it. I'm Xavier."
"Full name and town."
"What for?" "Full name and town." Stubborn is he not. "Alright Xavier Loveless from Pallet Town in Kanto."
"Xavier Loveless from Pallet. Xavier." He sat down and pulled out his laptop. Looking over his shoulder I see a picture of me and my Pokémon and many different graphs. "This is my trainer file it has statistics and other important information on noteworthy trainers going back five years. This has everything I need to know about their Pokémon and their strategies. According to my date you are a type B trainer. You have some good strategies, but rely on type advantage, but you make strategies before you battle. I remember now you won the Indigo Plateau, and it was your first Conference."
"You were at the stadium?"
"No, I just download the data."
"Well, data or not a Pokémon battle sounds great right now."
"My data says you'll lose."
"Data from a computer is different from actually battling."
"It may be hard to believe Xavier, but Shingo is probably right. The stuff on his computer said he bet all of us and he did." Everyone around nodded to what the boy said.
"There is no reason for me to have Pokémon battles anymore. With the kind of information, I have at my fingertips I know a lot more about trainers and their Pokémon than I can ever learn by battling them. If you want me to battle so much teacher, find me an opponent who can teach me something I do not know already. Excuse me." He just walks away. Not long after Shingo leaves it was lunch time and lunch was brought out to me and Mr. Muromasa.
"Shingo has had this attitude for nearly a year now. He says he can learn everything he needs to learn from that Pokémon database he has. He studies facts and figures, numbers and statistics and he claim he can predict the outcome of any battles, so he says battling is unnecessary."
"He cares more about facts and figures than Pokémon by the sounds of it."
"He has lost his way. He has forgotten the true spirit of Pokémon battles and he needs someone to challenge him. Make him battle and get him away from that computer."
"Pokémon battles are not numbers and figures but being one with your Pokémon. I just need to get him in a battle and allow him to see that there is more to it."
"Thank you, Xavier. I knew when I met you, that I could trust you." Nodding, I ask where I can find Shingo and Mr. Muromasa gives me directions to his room. I knock and hear Shingo answer. "Hey Shingo, how about a battle?"
"I already told you. I would win."
"No, your computer told you that and the statistics are not always right."
"There is still no need. I have the data to defeat trainers better than you and I never have to leave my laptop."
"How are you going to show people you can beat them if you never battle?" Before we can argue any more, we hear a scream coming from outside. Running outside we find Meowth in Masamune's claws and Jessie and James behind it. "What are you doing here Team Rocket?"
"Only his data." Jessie sent out Arbok and Lickitung, while James sent out Weezing and Victrebell. Shingo spotted his laptop and dove for it, but Arbok dove to attack. Masamune deflected the attack.
After their motto Shingo spoke, "Your Team Rocket what did you come here for?"
"We came for that Pokémon info," spoke Jessie. "Your database is just what we need to pick the Pokémon we want to steal," said James. Standing beside Shingo I look over and find him on the ground looking through his laptop. When will he put down that laptop? "Jessie, James, and Meowth I don't have anything in my database about you."
"Nothing on me," said Jessie. "There has to be some kind of mistake," spoke James.
"I double checked there is no mention of you anywhere."
"Did you hear that James this kid doesn't have the world-famous Team Rocket in his database."
"Imagine not including us in a Pokémon who's who."
"Are they really that important?"

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