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"James Potter! I'm going to murder you!" I yelled as I chased him down the hall. He snorted.
"Do it then!" He hollered back, skidding around the corner.

"Sirius, James. Knock it off this instant" Mum ordered. I slid into the living room where Sirius sat confused, looking around like a lost puppy.

"Oi! I'm not doing anything!" He defended himself. Remus laughed from the desk in the corner.

"Nova, James. Knock it off!" She corrected.

"Sorry, ma'am." I apologized as I plopped down next to Sirius, James kept his distance in the kitchen with mum. Mum wouldn't protect him from much, but she wouldn't let me kill him so he had that going for him. I, however, had Sirius and Remus who wouldn't let him kill me. I feel I had the upper hand here.

"Merlin's beard. You lot leave tomorrow, and it is not soon enough! You've driven me mad!" She joked. I smiled and poked Sirius.

"It's your fault you know, she hates you." I whispered. He swatted me away. I threw my feet in his lap. He put his hand on my legs before going back to flicking his wand in the air. Little sparks emerged but fizzled as quickly as they appeared. I closed my eyes and leaned my head over the edge of the couch. I had no clue what he was trying to do, frankly I didn't care. Sirius poked my stomach; I swatted his hand away. He poked again. I lifted my head and stared at him.

"C'mon Vix. Let's go outside." He winked. I nodded. Remus looked up from his book. "Calm down Moony. Just want to... you know." He gestured smoking a cigarette with his fingers. Remus nodded and went back to his book. I grabbed my coat off the hook while Sirius shoved his feet in his untied converse.

"Mum! Me and Sirius are going for a walk!" I called, James came running.

"Calm down Prongs." He made the same gesture. James narrowed his eyes. Sirius winked. I finished tying my lace and hopped up. We walked outside with James watching from the window. I flipped him off over my shoulder. Sirius threw an arm around me and lit the cigarette between his lips.

"Y'know Vix, my brother is quite smitten with you."

"I thought your brother liked James." I took the cigarette from between his fingers.

"Ah yes, but alas, Prongs broke his wee little heart."

"Oh no Padfoot, don't tell me..." I trailed as I exhaled and turned to face him, he cocked his head. "Don't tell me your brother, a Black, has a Potter fetish." I turned on my heels and sprinted from him, cigarette between my lips. He chased after me on my heels. I cut into the trees, knowing I could lose him if I tried hard enough.

"Potter! Do not think for a second you're getting that whole thing!" He hollered. I ducked behind a tree before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him. I couldn't hold back my laughter as I tilted my head back. He kept me pulled tight to him. He pried the cigarette from my hand and took a drag. I calmed my laughs and smiled at him; he shook his head.

What you must understand about my relationship with Sirius, is that he was my best friend. Sirius was my first crush until he moved in, and I learned how disgusting he was. He was my first kiss, the first-year game of truth or dare in which James about lost his head. Then again the year he moved in and we briefly thought our feelings were mutual. He was the only person I trusted more than James and considering I shared a womb with the lad, that was pretty serious.

"Oh, you love me, Siri, and you know it." I said as I kissed his nose. He hated that nickname, his cousins used to call him it. He let me use it though. In the same way, I let him only call me Vix. I preferred my name. Vix was a stupid nickname they gave me when I became my animagi. Vix, as in Vixen, as in a female fox. Arguably the worst nickname, next to Wormtail of course.

"You surely are something darling, I'll give you that much."

We spent the rest of the night eating mum and dad out of house and home, listening to muggle music, and enjoying the last moments of calm before we went back to school. James fell asleep first, on the floor of the living room while a film played in the background. My head was in Moony's lap, and my feet were in Sirius'. The couch fit the four of us, but James refused to sit next to me, so he sat on the floor. I glanced up at Moony who just grinned down at me.

"Are you guys ready to go back?" Sirius asked, I shrugged. This was the first summer mum and dad let us feel like adults. We were fifteen, turning sixteen. Dad told mum once we were sixteen and off at school life got crazy, and they had to loosen the reigns. Mum hesitantly agreed.

"I miss Pete and Lily and Marlene." I said. Remus nodded.

"Yeah, where is Pete? He hasn't been here all summer." Sirius asked.

"Said something about spending the summer with his mum, away." Remus informed us. We both nodded slowly. It was weird, Pete always spent summers with us, at least for a little bit. I closed my eyes. Remus scratched my head. Sirius moved my feet off his lap, I opened my eyes halfway and stared at him. He moved to the floor and laid next to James, bringing pillows and blankets with him. He pulled the one off my lap, I opened my eyes fully.

"What the hell?"

"Come cuddle, last night in the house is making me sad." I got up and laid next to him, Remus laid next to me after putting a blanket over James. I laid my head on Siri's chest while he wrapped his arm around me. We fell asleep like that.

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