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We sat in the great hall picking at food while James went on about Lily hanging out with Severus. He hated Severus. Simply put, they were both in love with Lily. James was determined to win, Lily thought he was an idiot. She also thought he was cute.

I caught Regulus' eye across the room. Sirius had his arm around me, I knew he was upset about that. I broke eye contact and leaned over to Moony.

"Alright?" I asked he nodded. He was staring at James' arm. I rolled my eyes and waved my wand. James stared at me.

"What'd you do?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Take your arm out of that thing, you look ridiculous." I retorted. He did. Remus smiled.

"Always been one for the dramatics." He whispered, I laughed.

"You have no idea," I giggled "Could've gone to Madame Pomfrey and she'd have fixed it, but no he needed to sulk." Remus laughed. I stole a piece of his chocolate.

"Study in the yard after this?"

"It's tradition."

After every full moon, me and Moony studied together. He always got cuddly after a moon. He would lay with his head in my lap, and I'd play with his hair. I liked when it was just me and Moony. Neither of us had to keep up the "Marauder act" as we called it. No need to defend myself and prove I was more than James' sister; he didn't have to be Moony. He could just be Remus. I loved Remus. I always believed had I not fallen head over heels for Regulus, I would have loved Remus.

Marlene kicked me under the table. I shot her a look; she motioned behind her. I looked and saw Regulus walking over. My eyes went wide.

"Marls, come to the bathroom with me?" I asked, and she shot out of her seat.

"Why is he coming over here?" James spat. Sirius rolled his eyes. I all but pulled Marlene out of the great hall before he reached the table. We watched from around the corner. He sat next to a first-year and talked for a moment before James went and made a fool of him. I wanted to punch my brother more than ever at that moment. Regulus rolled his eyes and walked out. I grabbed his arm as he walked past us, pulling him into an empty hallway.

"Why in Merlin's name did you go over there?"

"I needed your attention somehow love."

"And you thought the best way to do that was to give me a heart attack, get ridiculed by my brother, and probably make your brother shit himself?" He chuckled.

"What can I say? I'm one for grand gestures." I swatted his arm. "Can we talk tonight?"

"Are you going to be sober?"

"Merlin, Nova."

"Do not give me that Regulus. I waited for hours for you. On a full moon at that, you know how important those are to- "

"I don't care how important things are to them." He snapped. I laughed bitterly.

"I'm one of them. They're important to me and you had me wait for hours to show up drunk and ruin our plans. You're important to me Reg, but they're my family. You know that."

"I know, can we just talk tonight? In the astronomy tower, six o'clock. I swear to be sober and bring you your favorite sweets." I blushed. He had a way of making me do that no matter how mad I was. He grabbed my hand. "I love you."

We'd said I love you before, but it wasn't a common occurrence in our relationship. More I trust you, or I want to be with you, words that actually had meaning to us. But when one of us said I love you, we knew it was bigger than any other words we could speak.

"I love you. Don't be late." I replied as I kissed him quickly. I skipped out of the hall and found Marlene right where I left her. She smiled at me.

"You're so weak for him."

"I always will be."


I sat with Moony in the yard, his head in my lap, my hands in his hair. He read me pages from a book he loved, and I listened with my head tilted back against a tree. His voice was so soothing. Especially after moons, it was softer than normal. If the other three were to see us like this they'd say we'd gone soft, that we'd lost our touch, and that's why afternoons in the yard were for me and Moony only. Eventually, he stopped reading and looked at me.

"Who blew you off last night?" He asked hesitantly. I shrugged.

"Can you keep a secret? A major one. Not even Pads can know- actually, you especially can not tell Pads."

"Cross my heart." He said, actually crossing his heart. I took a deep breath; I was about to tell the first of the boys my biggest secret.

"I've been seeing Regulus for the last two years. We were gonna sneak off to Hogsmeade last night and spend the weekend away because I forgot it was a full moon, and I know that was really stupid on my part, I'm sorry for that, but then he showed up three hours late and drunk. So, I left and came to you guys"

"You thought I didn't know you were seeing Regulus?"

"You knew?"

"I'm not as dumb as the rest of the lot, I knew that love letter wasn't for Prongs. He didn't describe Prongs, he described you. Prongs just has an ego. Plus, third year in the yard. That conversation we had wasn't really about Sirius. I knew that. All that 'we're just mates, guys, I promise' wasn't fooling me love."

"He is pretty self-absorbed."

"And Pads would never believe his brother would fall for you, you're his best friend. You can do no wrong in his eyes. Wormtail, now he's just stupid. But I guess that's what we keep him around for." I smacked his arm.

"I quite like Pete."

"Oi! Me too, one of my best mates. I was only joking." I laughed.

"You knew." I said, shaking my head. He smiled.

"I think, as long as you're happy Vix, there's no reason why you can't see him."

"Aside from the fact that he's Sirius' brother and they disowned him, he lost all rights to his family name, and they were all given to Reggie."

"Reggie?" He snorted with a scrunched up face. I swatted at him.

"Shut up." I said through giggles. He smiled.

"Sirius never wanted the rights to that name, you know that. He's a Potter at heart. A name is just that, a name."

"Alright Shakespeare, I just don't think he'll take kindly to me dating his brother."

"Yeah, probably not. But he'll get over it. You're his Vix." He put his hand under my chin and made me look at him. He gave me a knowing look. I nodded. He smiled.

"I still, to this day, offer you my love, Vix." He joked. I smiled.

"I believe I could love you Moony, but I do so much more than love him." I replied, he pulled me into a hug and kissed my head. I leaned into his collarbone while he hugged me tightly.


remember when i said spam uploads? they're coming i just gotta get my head straight and figure how i wanna put this up :)

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