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"Nova! Will you hurry up!" Regulus yelled from downstairs. I cradled little Harry as I walked down the stairs. Harry was one now, about to turn two. James and Lily got married straight out of school and wasted no time getting to having a kid.

"Will you be quiet! He just fell asleep!" I shushed him. Mum laughed from the couch.

"Oh give me my grandson, will you? You have a birthday party to get to." She swatted at me as I leaned down to hand her Harry.

"Pandora will hardly notice if we're late! Luna is only two she won't remember!" I said as I flattened out my dress. Mum grabbed my hand to admire the ring. I pulled my hand back.

"It'll be there forever mum. Stop gawking." I joked. She rolled her eyes.

"Big day for you two, innit?" Dad asked as he entered the room and took the seat next to mum. "Black is back from the dead and he's married."

"I can't believe you haven't told anyone you're not actually dead." I told Reg. For five months I wondered if my boyfriend was alive, just for him to come back with dad and a ring like nothing had happened. He put his hands up in defense.

"I've been back two days." He reminded me. I shook my head.

"Sirius is going to kill you, you know. You being a spy nearly sent him over the edge as is, then you disappear for five months and don't even tell your brother you're back. Merlin, he's going to kill me. " I swatted his chest. Reggie laughed.

"I'm hoping he'll welcome me back the same way you did."

"I hope not. I know the Black's are keen on incest but don't you think that's a bit too close, love?" He wrapped his arm around me, ushering me to the door while dad cackled.


"Regulus Black!" Pandora cried as she ran to him. They fell to the ground in a hug. He laughed from beneath her.

"Regulus is missing, who's making a-" Sirius' eyes fell on the two of them. He went pale. Reg stood up and helped Pandora up. He met his brothers gaze.

"What's the matter, brother? Looks like you've seen a ghost." Reg said as he wrapped Sirius in a hug. Sirius clung to him for dear life.

"How long have you been back?" He asked, it was muffled by Reggie's shirt collar.

"Less than forty eight hours." Sirius abruptly pulled back and smacked his arm.

"Two days Regulus? Two days and I've heard nothing!" He turned to me and started to back me against the garden wall. I held up my left hand.

"We're married!" I blurted. Sirius grabbed my hand.

"Married?" He squealed, then his face dropped. "I once told you the worst thing you could do was become a Black." I smirked.

"I didn't. He became a Potter." I told him as Moony pulled out of a hug with Regulus and looked over to me.

"How did you get married in less than two days?" He asked as he pulled me into a hug.

"Dad knew some people." I shrugged. He laughed. He pulled back and grabbed both sides of my face.

"I haven't seen you happy in a good while." He told me. I smirked.

"Yeah, bout five months." He laughed.

"My sister is what?" James yelled from across the garden. I looked up and saw him and Sirius talking.

"Shit stirrer." I muttered.

"Hey, that's my husband." Remus defended him.

"Then you're a shit stirrer by association." Lily ran and hugged me.

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